On Fri, Dec 6, 2024 at 12:07 AM Kan-Ru Chen <ka...@kanru.info> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 6, 2024, at 5:57 AM, Fabio Valentini wrote:
> > Hello fellow packagers,
> >
> > The %{version_no_tilde} macro is a "convenient" way of converting RPM
> > version strings into "SemVer-ish" (or even Python-ish) version
> > strings. It currently lives with the Rust macros.
> >
> > However, the macro is a bit weird, hard to use, and sometimes has
> > "surprising" results. No Rust spec files that have been generated with
> > recent versions of rust2rpm use it - and I plan to do a round of "spec
> > refreshes with recent rust2rpm" to remove many of the remaining uses.
> >
> > I see that it is in use in some non-Rust packages by now. But sooner
> > rather than later, no Rust packages will use this macro
> What do Rust packages use now?

Rust packages use just %{version} if it matches the crate version, or
a separately defined %{crate_version} macro that is just defined to be
the unmodified crate version.
This way there's no requirement for the conversions from SemVer -> RPM
-> SemVer to round-trip correctly (where the first part is implemented
properly in cargo2rpm, and the second part is implemented incompletely
in the %{version_no_tilde} macro in Lua).

> > So I think it would make sense to move it into a different package and
> > / or to "fix" it for some weird behaviour.
> It makes sense. Given semver is so widely adopted. Are there issues opened
> for the weird behaviour?

Not "issues" per se, no. The limitations come from the fact that the
macro is ... a macro. And it's written in Lua.
You need to pass arguments in a really weird way, because the macro
accepts zero, one, or two *positional* arguments.
For example, there is no way to say "use the default for the first
argument and pass this string as the second argument".

Additionally, the implementation is rather naive as well - it only
replaces occurrences of "~" with a configurable separator (default:
"-") so it is not even strictly suited to be a full RPM -> SemVer
This is the reason why recent rust2rpm versions just define a separate
%crate_version macro that contains the SemVer version string, instead
of converting the version string twice.

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