For anyone who is considering running, you can find the interview questions

The issue is marked as [Sample Questions] as sometimes the questions do
change, however this is the same set used in the last two elections, with
the only change being it asks for Matrix ID's and not IRC ones. If you
would like to run for the FESCo election, please add yourself to the
and feel free to clone the issue linked above and open a new issue, marked
as private, in the elections-repo, and answer the interview questions. I
will be checking periodically for any activity anyway so folks have as much
time as we can give them to complete the  questions before the interviews
are published when voting opens on Friday, if we receive enough candidates
to hold an election.

Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions, I'm
happy to help.

Kindest regards,

On Wed, Dec 4, 2024 at 10:35 AM Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 03, 2024 at 11:15:53PM +0100, Miro Hrončok wrote:
> > On 03. 12. 24 19:43, Aoife Moloney via devel-announce wrote:
> > >
> > > If we receive enough candidates to hold an election for FESCo, voting
> > > will start on Friday 6th December, as per the elections schedule[3].
> >
> > What about the interviews?
> In the most likely scenario, no new candidates will show up, and we'll
> end up with having the same set of people who are already in FESCo on
> the ballot, and the candidates will be automatically confirmed without
> a vote. Because of this, we opted to skip the interviews. The
> candidates have all been in Fedora for many years and not much has
> changed since the last election so it doesn't seem useful to publish
> the interviews.
> If a new candidate does show up, then they, and anyone else, can
> optionally quickly publish an interview. If the candidacy is added at
> the very last moment, we have one day for this. If earlier, a bit
> more.
> The alternative was to delay the start of the election, but then
> we're getting into the holiday season and we wanted to avoid that.
> Zbyszek
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Aoife Moloney

Fedora Operations Architect

Fedora Project


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