On Tue, Dec 3, 2024 at 1:41 PM Marián Konček <mkon...@redhat.com> wrote:
> I know that in Fedora package names are usually prefixed with the name
> of the language they are shipped in their binary form. We have "perl",
> "python", "ruby", "rust" and probably some more.
> I heard that Java packages for historical reasons do not abide this
> convention. Do you think we should unify them? I see 2 minor benefits
> costing a lot of porting work:
> * Java packages will be easier to search for when doing changes on the
> JDK side
> * consistency with the rest of Fedora

I'm not sure I understand your argument - or maybe there's a
misunderstanding on your side?
There is no "prefix the package name with the programming language"
rule in Fedora.

There are only some language-specific package naming rules, which
*sometimes* have stricter rules than the general guidelines for
package naming.

There is no rule for naming packages for a python project "python-foo"
just because "foo" is written in Python. Many Python packages are just
named like the upstream project (for example, "rust2rpm" is a Python
application, and ships an importable Python module - but since the
main use case is the CLI, there's no sense in making the package name

The rules for Rust packages are a bit different than for Python - but
only for crates that are published on crates.io. Those are *required*
to use the "rust-" prefix. But other packages that just happen to be
written in Rust are actually *banned* from using the "rust-" prefix,
since that is reserved for Rust projects that are published on
crates.io to avoid name clashes.

So I don't think it would make sense to have a general rule to prefix
Java applications with "java-" unconditionally, either.

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