One of the issues discovered during the latest ELN mass rebuild is that
the `%ctest -- -E ...` or `%ctest -- -V` syntax is no longer accepted,
instead resulting in an error, e.g.:
+ /usr/bin/ctest --test-dir redhat-linux-build --output-on-failure
--force-new-ctest-process -j12 -- -E valgrind
CMake Error: Unknown argument: --
CMake Error: Run 'ctest --help' for all supported options.
IIUC this syntax was originally adopted to allow passing short options
to the ctest binary, as the %ctest macro was originally defined with
(:-:), but it was eventually changed to accept valid short arguments:
With that, it should be possible to simply omit the '--', but it seems
at least some such use cases were never updated.
Since the %ctest macro does not handle the '--', it gets passed straight
to the ctest binary. While this was never valid, prior to cmake 3.30
this seems to have been ignored, but not anymore, AFAICS due to:
Note that all current Fedora branches now have cmake 3.30.5, as does
c10s (for EPEL 10).
Potentially affected packages (clamav and proj are definite):
clamav.spec: %ctest3 -- -E valgrind || :
clamav.spec: %ctest3 -- -E valgrind
clamav.spec: %ctest3 -- -R valgrind || :
colorized-logs.spec: %ctest -- --output-on-failure
combblas.spec: %ctest -- %{debug_flags} --test-dir build/openmpi -E
combblas.spec: %ctest -- %{debug_flags} --test-dir build/mpich -E
folly.spec: %ctest -- ${EXCLUDED_TESTS}
glm.spec: %ctest -- --output-on-failure -E 'test-gtc_packing'
google-cpu_features.spec: %ctest -- -VV
metis.spec: %ctest -- --test-dir ./
metis.spec: %ctest -- --test-dir ./
nativejit.spec: %ctest -- -VV
openmeeg.spec: %ctest -- -VV --force-new-ctest-process -j1
--output-on-failure --debug -E ''
openmeeg.spec: %ctest -- -E ''
proj.spec: %ctest -- -E nkg
sdsl-lite.spec: %ctest -- -E 'k2-treap-test_k2-'
sundials.spec: %ctest -- -VV --output-on-failure --debug
sundials.spec: %ctest -- --output-on-failure -E
sundials.spec: %ctest -- -VV --output-on-failure --debug
sundials.spec: %ctest -- --output-on-failure -E
sundials.spec: %ctest -- -VV --output-on-failure --debug
sundials.spec: %ctest -- --output-on-failure -E
superlu_dist.spec: %ctest -- --test-dir build/openmpi -VV
superlu_dist.spec: %ctest -- --test-dir build/mpich -VV
weechat.spec: %ctest3 -- -V
xrootd.spec: %ctest -- -E $exclude
Yaakov Selkowitz
Principal Software Engineer, Emerging RHEL
Red Hat, Inc.
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