On Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 06:42:28PM +0100, Björn Persson wrote:
> Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> >   fedpkg build --target=... --wait-build=<build>
> Neither "man fedpkg" nor "fedpkg build --help" mention a "--wait-build"
> option.

Yeah, it doesn't have one (yet). 


> Michael McLean wrote:
> > In most cases where folks are using the wait-repo command, they would
> > probably be better off passing either `--wait-repo` or `--wait-build=NVR`
> > to the build command (the latter can be given multiple times). This will
> > cause the build itself to do the waiting. (These are not new options,
> > they've been in place for a few years now)
> "koji build --help" at least mentions those options, but their
> descriptions are rather unclear. It's not explained whether they
> request a refresh or just wait for it to happen. Nor is it explained
> whether they wait before or after building the package.

It's probibly hard to explain in a terse --help output. 
When you do a --wait-repo it just returns the latest repo, unless that
repo is older than the configured amount (1hour). If it's older than
that and there are events that happened after that, it makes a new one.
It's before the package build. It wouldnt make sense to be after.

> In the case of --wait-repo it would make sense to request and await a
> refresh after the build, to guarantee that when the koji command exits
> successfully the repo includes the newly built package and is ready for
> the next command in a list.

But 90% of the time there is no next command. That newrepo is wasted
effort. It makes more sense to me to make sure you have a updated one
before you build.

If you are doing a known set of things, you should also really use

> It would also make sense to request and
> await a refresh before building, if it's known that all the needed
> packages have been built and tagged but the repo may need refreshing.

Right, and thats what it attempts to do.
Keeping track of events and only regenerating if needed.

> In the case of --wait-build, waiting for a specific other package after
> the build would seem a bit odd, so I would guess that it first waits
> for the specified package to appear, then requests a refresh, waits for
> that, and then performs the build.

It basically asks koji: "hey, I need this exact nvr in the repo"
koji says, "well, I see you have repo XYZ, but there's a tagging event
after that, so lets make you a newrepo", and if that package was tagged
in there it would appear. My understanding is that if you never built
the package, it would timeout. 

> If FedPKG actually has a --wait-build option like Richard wrote, then I
> really hope that both --wait-build options do the same things.

It doesn't yet (I filed the above ticket). I hope it just passes it to
koji as it does with many other options.

> I would prefer to have all of that clearly documented, rather than
> hoping that what makes sense to me also made sense to the people who
> wrote the Koji client and FedPKG.

Well, I think Mike linked to the koji doc upthread.
More detailed docs always welcome.

> Petr Pisar wrote:
> >       --request          Create a repo request (requires auth)
> >       --no-request       Do not create a repo request (the default)
> Those descriptions are even more unhelpful. Before this email thread I
> wouldn't have known what a "repo request" is or why I would want to
> create one. "Request refreshing the repo" would have been clearer.

koji RFE? :) 


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