On Tue, Oct 22, 2024 16:11:19 +0100, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> [So no one else ends up waiting around like an idiot]
> Koji 1.35 changed how repositories and side tags and such get rebuilt,
> so they no longer get rebuilt on their own.  Instead you have to *either*:
>   fedpkg build --target=... --wait-build=<build>
> *or*:
>   koji wait-repo <tag> --build=<build> --request
> where the --request option (I think implied in the first command) will
> both request that the repository is recreated and wait for it.

I ran into this a too. The ticket discussing this is here for anyone
else that wants to follow the discussion:


Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD" (He / Him / His) | 
Time zone: Europe/London

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