Dear all,

Between different work and personal commitments, and evolving interest
over time, I sometimes find myself overstretched when it comes to
maintaining packages, and some of these packages (and needless to say,
their users) deserve more TLC.

As such, as I announced on Mastodon - - now that I'm back
from a bunch of conference travel and personal time off, I'll start
spring cleaning and orphan one package a week.

This week, starting with the most hi-pri one - xonsh, a shell written in
Python - thanks to Miro for handling the update while I was on PTO so
this did not end up getting retired in F41/Rawhide.

The Python packagers SIG has commit access to this, but I'm the only
individual maintainer, so maybe a Pythonista would want to take this on.

I'll reply to this next week with the second package I'm letting go -
I'll try to ensure they are in a reasonable condition when they are
released, and if I can't I'll make a note to that effect.

Best regards,

 _o) Michel Lind
_( ) identities:

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