There are still packages in this list that appear to have valid license expressions, but aren’t amenable to spec-file grepping because they use the %shrink macro to split long license expressions across multiple lines. Looking at this list:

music      c4core fcitx5-mozc gi-docgen libpri luminance-hdr python-pdfminer sequeler usd

I see that this is the case for all but fcitx5-mozc (which I co-maintain only in order to patch and rebuild it for abseil-cpp, and for which I don’t normally work on updates or other issues). For example, c4core has:

License:        %{shrink:
                MIT AND
                BSL-1.0 AND
                BSD-2-Clause AND
                (Apache-2.0 OR MIT OR BSL-1.0)

I think that packages that have the License spread across more than one spec-file line like this are a minority on this list, but there are enough of them that identifying and validating them should be a worthwhile step to pare down the list a bit.

On 9/6/24 4:49 AM, Miroslav Suchý wrote:

Bellow is list of packages that have licenses that are neither valid as Callaway nor as SPDX. I.e. the license cannot be validated neither using 'license-validate' nor using 'license-validate --old'.

Some examples I checked (random selection):

License:        GPL-2.0-or-later AND GPL-3.0
(typo in GPL-3.0)

License:        CC0 and GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and GPLv3 and GPLv3+ and LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2.1 and LGPLv2.1+ and LGPLv3 and LGPLv3 and MIT
( we do not track LGPLv2.1 and LGPLv2.1+ in Callaway system)

License: GPL-3.0-only AND GPL-2.0-or-later AND MIT AND BSD AND Public Domain AND CC-BY-3.0 AND Hershey
(old form of BSD and PD, unknown license Heshey)

License:        MPLv2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT
(old form of MPL)

I wonder how to approach this?


1) Directly change it in dist-git to LicenseRef-Callaway-$OLD_ID with a comment that maintainer should revise it. Or

2) Open BZs for these packages.

I will welcome your comments and opinions.

There is 236 such cases in Fedora.

Maintainers by package:
Coin3                corsepiu hobbes1069 jkastner
Mayavi               chedi orion
OpenSceneGraph       smani
ProDy                sagitter
R-IRanges            spot
R-lubridate          qulogic
abi-dumper           hobbes1069 orion
accel-config         miaojun0823 yunyings
ags                  rathann
aldo                 hobbes1069
alsa-sof-firmware    perex
angelfish            kkofler thunderbirdtr
api-sanity-checker   hobbes1069
aprsdigi             hobbes1069
aqbanking            limb rdieter
audacious-plugins    danfruehauf mschwendt robert
avogadro2-libs       sagitter
bacula               slaanesh
bijiben              mcrha pwalter
bmake                pemensik
bsh                  didiksupriadi41 mizdebsk
btop                 jonathanspw
build2               mkrupcale
c4core               music
calf                 limb
ceph                 branto kkeithle ktdreyer
clamav               gnat mstevens nb orion pwouters robert sergiomb steve
clementine           eclipseo
cmake                besser82 orion pwalter rdieter
collectl             kzak sharkcz
cross-binutils       dhowells lkundrak sharkcz
dcfldd               rebus
dumpasn1             fkooman
fcitx5-mozc          music yanqiyu
fedora-remix-logos   spot
fedora-workstation-backgrounds duffy luya ryanlerch
filebench            hushan
fldigi               hobbes1069
flmsg                hobbes1069
fltk                 aarem hobbes1069 jchaloup phracek rdieter
frescobaldi          limb
gdb-exploitable      sgrubb
generic-release      bruno mohanboddu spot
ghc-control-monad-free mathstuf petersen
ghc-http-client      qulogic
ghc-hxt-unicode      petersen
ghc-monad-loops      petersen
ghc-polyparse        petersen
ghc-tf-random        petersen
ghc-uglymemo         mathstuf
ghostwriter          marcdeop
gi-docgen            music
gl-manpages          ajax yaneti
gmsh                 hobbes1069 ignatenkobrain jkastner smani
gnote                kalev
gnu-free-fonts       limb
golang-gopkg-retry-1 eclipseo
golang-gopkg-yaml-1  mikelo2
gstreamer1-doc       wtaymans
guayadeque           martinkg
hackrf               cottsay jskarvad stevenfalco
hibernate-jpa-2.0-api jjelen
hydra                rcallicotte rebus
icecat               kengert sagitter
iprutils             dwmw2 jcajka sinnykumari
iucode-tool          duck puiterwijk
jam                  spot
jbosscache-support   orphan
jsmath-fonts         rdieter
julia                nalimilan
julius               spot
kcbench              thl
kclock               thunderbirdtr
kernel               acaringi airlied ajax bskeggs jcline jforbes jwboyer jwrdegoede kernel-maint linville myoung patrickt quintela sandeen steved
kf5-bluez-qt         jgrulich rdieter
kf5-kcalendarcore    rdieter
kf5-kdeclarative     jgrulich rdieter than
kf5-kholidays        rdieter
kf5-kirigami2        rdieter
kf5-kirigami2-addons thunderbirdtr
kf5-krunner          jgrulich rdieter than
kf5-libkleo          jkucera rdieter
kf5-threadweaver     jgrulich rdieter than
khealthcertificate   ngompa thunderbirdtr
kpublictransport     ngompa thunderbirdtr
kscreen              rdieter
lazarus              suve
libclc               ignatenkobrain nikic sergesanspaille tstellar tuliom
libnumbertext        limb
libpri               music
libtimidity          aekoroglu jwrdegoede sagitter
libva-intel-hybrid-driver kwizart
libwebp              smani
lmms                 thm
lumina-desktop       tieugene
luminance-hdr        music
lyx                  jamatos rdieter
maatkit              slankes
man-pages-ja         tagoh
man-pages-l10n       ljavorsk mfabian nforro
man2html             orion patches sergiomb
mariadb10.11         fjanus hhorak ljavorsk mschorm zmiklank
mingw-binutils       elmarco etrunko kalev rjones smani
mingw-libunistring   etrunko
mingw-wxWidgets      sailer
mingw-wxWidgets3     sailer
moby-engine          buckaroogeek copperi gotmax23 sergiomb
mxml                 kevin
net-snmp             jridky jsafrane zdohnal
newsx                rathann
nikto                huzaifas rebus
ocaml-camomile       avsej rjones
ocaml-omake          rjones
ogre                 dtimms ignatenkobrain sergiomb
open-vm-tools        jwolfe ravindrakumar rjones slaanesh
opencascade          hobbes1069
opendkim             mdomsch
opendmarc            kevin
openexr              hobbes1069 jridky
openjfx              deamn
openjfx8             deamn
perl-Crypt-Blowfish  ixs
perl-Data-Validate-IP swt2c
perl-Devel-Caller-IgnoreNamespaces eseyman
perl-HTML-TableExtract limb
perl-License-Syntax  jplesnik ppisar
perl-Lingua-Preferred eseyman xavierb
perl-LockFile-Simple ixs
perl-Unicode-CheckUTF8 pghmcfc
perl-XML-Tiny        cicku eseyman
perl-qooxdoo-compat  terjeros
php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer cdamian remi
phpMyAdmin           remi robert
pinball              limb sergiomb
pkcs11-helper        dwmw2 kalev
plasma-mobile        farchord
pokerth              pwalter
proj                 devrim neteler smani
publican             jfearn rlandmann
pypy                 churchyard thrnciar
pypy3.10             churchyard
pypy3.9              churchyard thrnciar
python-basemap       limb
python-cclib         sagitter
python-graph-tool    ankursinha
python-llvmlite      ankursinha
python-pdfminer      music
python-pyface        chedi ignatenkobrain orion
python-stone         limb
python-traitsui      chedi ignatenkobrain orion
python-utmp          jpopelka tuju
python3.13           churchyard ksurma
qcad                 sagitter
qmmp                 kvolny
qownnotes            atim
qt5-qtfeedback       jgrulich rdieter
rgbds                blowry
rpminspect           dcantrell
ruby                 mtasaka vondruch
rubygem-rdoc         vondruch
rubygem-xmlparser    schwicke
rust-askalono-cli    decathorpe
rust-dutree          kalev
rust-gmp-mpfr-sys    dcavalca
rust-just            alebastr
rust-nettle          decathorpe
rust-nettle-sys      decathorpe
rust-rav1e           decathorpe
rust-rpick           bowlofeggs
rust-ybaas           decathorpe
rust-yubibomb        decathorpe
rust-zbase32         decathorpe
scalasca             loveshack
scantailor           xhorak
scummvm              chkr lucilanga
sequeler             music
simple-scan          amigadave dodji ignatenkobrain slaanesh
sipp                 peter
skf                  mtasaka
strace               esyr ldv vda
stun                 huzaifas
subscription-manager csnyder jhnidek ptoscano
subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates csnyder jhnidek ptoscano
supertuxkart         ignatenkobrain limb pwalter rmattes
sympa                xavierb
tcmu-runner          mlombard
teeworlds            ignatenkobrain limb lkundrak
texlive              jnovy spot than
thc-ipv6             neil robert
tkimg                spot
tlog                 jstephen nkondras
torque               hguemar spot
tuxpaint-stamps      cbm limb steve
uboot-tools          ausil pbrobinson sharkcz
upx                  limb
usd                  aekoroglu luya music slaanesh
vakzination          farchord thunderbirdtr
virtualbox-guest-additions jwrdegoede sergiomb
w3m                  robert
webkitgtk            catanzaro
wsdlpull             denisarnaud
wwl                  jskarvad
wxsqlite3            martinkg
xmedcon              ankursinha
yakuake              rdieter
yascreen             bbonev1
zeromq               denisarnaud stevetraylen tomspur

Packages by maintainer:
aarem      fltk
acaringi   kernel
aekoroglu  libtimidity usd
airlied    kernel
ajax       gl-manpages kernel
alebastr   rust-just
amigadave  simple-scan
ankursinha python-graph-tool python-llvmlite xmedcon
atim       qownnotes
ausil      uboot-tools
avsej      ocaml-camomile
bbonev1    yascreen
besser82   cmake
blowry     rgbds
bowlofeggs rust-rpick
branto     ceph
bruno      generic-release
bskeggs    kernel
buckaroogeek moby-engine
catanzaro  webkitgtk
cbm        tuxpaint-stamps
cdamian    php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer
chedi      Mayavi python-pyface python-traitsui
chkr       scummvm
churchyard pypy pypy3.10 pypy3.9 python3.13
cicku      perl-XML-Tiny
copperi    moby-engine
corsepiu   Coin3
cottsay    hackrf
csnyder    subscription-manager subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates
danfruehauf audacious-plugins
dcantrell  rpminspect
dcavalca   rust-gmp-mpfr-sys
deamn      openjfx openjfx8
decathorpe rust-askalono-cli rust-nettle rust-nettle-sys rust-rav1e rust-ybaas rust-yubibomb rust-zbase32
denisarnaud wsdlpull zeromq
devrim     proj
dhowells   cross-binutils
didiksupriadi41 bsh
dodji      simple-scan
dtimms     ogre
duck       iucode-tool
duffy      fedora-workstation-backgrounds
dwmw2      iprutils pkcs11-helper
eclipseo   clementine golang-gopkg-retry-1
elmarco    mingw-binutils
eseyman    perl-Devel-Caller-IgnoreNamespaces perl-Lingua-Preferred perl-XML-Tiny
esyr       strace
etrunko    mingw-binutils mingw-libunistring
farchord   plasma-mobile vakzination
fjanus     mariadb10.11
fkooman    dumpasn1
gnat       clamav
gotmax23   moby-engine
hguemar    torque
hhorak     mariadb10.11
hobbes1069 Coin3 abi-dumper aldo api-sanity-checker aprsdigi fldigi flmsg fltk gmsh opencascade openexr
hushan     filebench
huzaifas   nikto stun
ignatenkobrain gmsh libclc ogre python-pyface python-traitsui simple-scan supertuxkart teeworlds
ixs        perl-Crypt-Blowfish perl-LockFile-Simple
jamatos    lyx
jcajka     iprutils
jchaloup   fltk
jcline     kernel
jfearn     publican
jforbes    kernel
jgrulich   kf5-bluez-qt kf5-kdeclarative kf5-krunner kf5-threadweaver qt5-qtfeedback
jhnidek    subscription-manager subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates
jjelen     hibernate-jpa-2.0-api
jkastner   Coin3 gmsh
jkucera    kf5-libkleo
jnovy      texlive
jonathanspw btop
jplesnik   perl-License-Syntax
jpopelka   python-utmp
jridky     net-snmp openexr
jsafrane   net-snmp
jskarvad   hackrf wwl
jstephen   tlog
jwboyer    kernel
jwolfe     open-vm-tools
jwrdegoede kernel libtimidity virtualbox-guest-additions
kalev      gnote mingw-binutils pkcs11-helper rust-dutree
kengert    icecat
kernel-maint kernel
kevin      mxml opendmarc
kkeithle   ceph
kkofler    angelfish
ksurma     python3.13
ktdreyer   ceph
kvolny     qmmp
kwizart    libva-intel-hybrid-driver
kzak       collectl
ldv        strace
limb       aqbanking calf frescobaldi gnu-free-fonts libnumbertext perl-HTML-TableExtract pinball python-basemap python-stone supertuxkart teeworlds tuxpaint-stamps upx
linville   kernel
ljavorsk   man-pages-l10n mariadb10.11
lkundrak   cross-binutils teeworlds
loveshack  scalasca
lucilanga  scummvm
luya       fedora-workstation-backgrounds usd
marcdeop   ghostwriter
martinkg   guayadeque wxsqlite3
mathstuf   ghc-control-monad-free ghc-uglymemo
mcrha      bijiben
mdomsch    opendkim
mfabian    man-pages-l10n
miaojun0823 accel-config
mikelo2    golang-gopkg-yaml-1
mizdebsk   bsh
mkrupcale  build2
mlombard   tcmu-runner
mohanboddu generic-release
mschorm    mariadb10.11
mschwendt  audacious-plugins
mstevens   clamav
mtasaka    ruby skf
music      c4core fcitx5-mozc gi-docgen libpri luminance-hdr python-pdfminer sequeler usd
myoung     kernel
nalimilan  julia
nb         clamav
neil       thc-ipv6
neteler    proj
nforro     man-pages-l10n
ngompa     khealthcertificate kpublictransport
nikic      libclc
nkondras   tlog
orion      Mayavi abi-dumper clamav cmake man2html python-pyface python-traitsui
orphan     jbosscache-support
patches    man2html
patrickt   kernel
pbrobinson uboot-tools
pemensik   bmake
perex      alsa-sof-firmware
peter      sipp
petersen   ghc-control-monad-free ghc-hxt-unicode ghc-monad-loops ghc-polyparse ghc-tf-random
pghmcfc    perl-Unicode-CheckUTF8
phracek    fltk
ppisar     perl-License-Syntax
ptoscano   subscription-manager subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates
puiterwijk iucode-tool
pwalter    bijiben cmake pokerth supertuxkart
pwouters   clamav
quintela   kernel
qulogic    R-lubridate ghc-http-client
rathann    ags newsx
ravindrakumar open-vm-tools
rcallicotte hydra
rdieter    aqbanking cmake fltk jsmath-fonts kf5-bluez-qt kf5-kcalendarcore kf5-kdeclarative kf5-kholidays kf5-kirigami2 kf5-krunner kf5-libkleo kf5-threadweaver kscreen lyx qt5-qtfeedback yakuake
rebus      dcfldd hydra nikto
remi       php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer phpMyAdmin
rjones     mingw-binutils ocaml-camomile ocaml-omake open-vm-tools
rlandmann  publican
rmattes    supertuxkart
robert     audacious-plugins clamav phpMyAdmin thc-ipv6 w3m
ryanlerch  fedora-workstation-backgrounds
sagitter   ProDy avogadro2-libs icecat libtimidity python-cclib qcad
sailer     mingw-wxWidgets mingw-wxWidgets3
sandeen    kernel
schwicke   rubygem-xmlparser
sergesanspaille libclc
sergiomb   clamav man2html moby-engine ogre pinball virtualbox-guest-additions
sgrubb     gdb-exploitable
sharkcz    collectl cross-binutils uboot-tools
sinnykumari iprutils
slaanesh   bacula open-vm-tools simple-scan usd
slankes    maatkit
smani      OpenSceneGraph gmsh libwebp mingw-binutils proj
spot       R-IRanges fedora-remix-logos generic-release jam julius texlive tkimg torque
steve      clamav tuxpaint-stamps
steved     kernel
stevenfalco hackrf
stevetraylen zeromq
suve       lazarus
swt2c      perl-Data-Validate-IP
tagoh      man-pages-ja
terjeros   perl-qooxdoo-compat
than       kf5-kdeclarative kf5-krunner kf5-threadweaver texlive
thl        kcbench
thm        lmms
thrnciar   pypy pypy3.9
thunderbirdtr angelfish kclock kf5-kirigami2-addons khealthcertificate kpublictransport vakzination
tieugene   lumina-desktop
tomspur    zeromq
tstellar   libclc
tuju       python-utmp
tuliom     libclc
vda        strace
vondruch   ruby rubygem-rdoc
wtaymans   gstreamer1-doc
xavierb    perl-Lingua-Preferred sympa
xhorak     scantailor
yaneti     gl-manpages
yanqiyu    fcitx5-mozc
yunyings   accel-config
zdohnal    net-snmp
zmiklank   mariadb10.11

Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Manager, Packit and CPT, #brno, #fedora-buildsys
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