Il 20/08/24 20:11, Ankur Sinha ha scritto:
> Hi Mattia,
> Thanks for this.
> I had a small query about the removal of folks from groups---are they
> not also removed from other packager groups?
> For example, I noticed we had folks in the neuro-sig packager group that
> had been removed from the packager group due to inactivity. I went ahead
> and removed them manually now, but that brought up a query about
> src.fp.o:
> If people are still in the neuro-sig packager group, even if they're not
> in the packager group, do they still have access to the neuro-sig
> packages?
I think they'd still have commit access to the package repository. 
However, AFAIK pushing a build in Koji or submitting a Bodhi update 
should be impossible for them, because the packager group membership is 
mandatory there (at least, for Bodhi).
> Also, of course, FAS only syncs with src.fp.o when people login, so even
> though I removed these folks from the FAS group, they're still listed on
> the src.fp.o group (but this isn't an issue since I expect they'll be
> removed from here when they login and things sync):
> vs
Yeah, the only synchs from when a user logs 
in. There was WIP to have an automated scheduled script that do the 
synch in background, but I lost track of the progress on that.


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