Am 29.06.24 um 22:02 schrieb Julian Sikorski:
Am 19.06.24 um 13:09 schrieb Julian Sikorski:
Am 13.02.24 um 18:52 schrieb Julian Sikorski:
Am 13.02.24 um 16:16 schrieb Gary Buhrmaster:
On Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 9:52 AM Miroslav Suchý <> wrote:
Dne 13. 02. 24 v 9:08 Julian Sikorski napsal(a):
Could this be the reason for ccache not working?
I wonder whether it is Mock problem, Ccache issue or problem in 
packaging? Does the ccache speadup the build when you
run it with plain rpmbuild and ccache on host?
I have lost track of the details (and the
version of ccache when the issue was
addressed/patched), but ccache at one
time included SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH
in the default hash, resulting in no
cache hits.
This appears to have been fixed in ccache-4.2. F36, obsolete as it 
is, shipped with 4.5.1.
Having said that, with current kernel there is this line in the log:
+ perl -p -i -e 's/^CONFIG_BUILD_SALT.*/CONFIG_BUILD_SALT="6.7.4-200.lacie03.fc39.x86_64"/' .config
This would change every build.

Best regards,
I had to bisect a kernel regression once again so I revisited this. I 
have modified my mock with PR showing ccache stats [1].
Interestingly enough, rebuilding the exact same srpm does result in a 
significant speedup and almost 100% cache hits. Build took ~12 minutes 
(as opposed to ~25 when building without cache) and cache stats looks 
as follows:
DEBUG  Cacheable calls:   21570 / 21954 (98.25%)
DEBUG    Hits:            21554 / 21570 (99.93%)
DEBUG      Direct:        21458 / 21554 (99.55%)
DEBUG      Preprocessed:     96 / 21554 ( 0.45%)
DEBUG    Misses:             16 / 21570 ( 0.07%)
DEBUG  Uncacheable calls:   384 / 21954 ( 1.75%)

Next bisect step, couple hundred commits away (from fe46a7dd189e to eaf0e7a3d271 in case this is relevant), is a completely different story. Build took ~45 minutes and there are almost no cache hits:
DEBUG  Cacheable calls:   21554 / 21938 (98.25%)
DEBUG    Hits:             1421 / 21554 ( 6.59%)
DEBUG      Direct:         1365 /  1421 (96.06%)
DEBUG      Preprocessed:     56 /  1421 ( 3.94%)
DEBUG    Misses:          20133 / 21554 (93.41%)
DEBUG  Uncacheable calls:   384 / 21938 ( 1.75%)

Further down the bisect, despite differences from build to build getting smaller, there is almost no difference. From 902861e34c40 to e5eb28f6d1af, build took around ~45 minutes too, and almost no cache hits were found either:
DEBUG  Cacheable calls:   21571 / 21955 (98.25%)
DEBUG    Hits:             1395 / 21571 ( 6.47%)
DEBUG      Direct:         1373 /  1395 (98.42%)
DEBUG      Preprocessed:     22 /  1395 ( 1.58%)
DEBUG    Misses:          20176 / 21571 (93.53%)
DEBUG  Uncacheable calls:   384 / 21955 ( 1.75%)

Can the cache files be inspected with something to see what is getting cached?
Best regards,

I decided to investigate this further and enabled CCACHE_DEBUG and 
CCACHE_DEBUGDIR for mock. Patch attached in case anyone is interested.
I then started building consecutive 6.9.x kernels, paying attention to 
files which have not changed in a really long time.
Exhibit 1: ipc/compat.c, hasn't changed in six years.

Compared ccache-input-text of 6.9.5 and 6.9.6 contains the attached difference. Different cwd obviously and two %P to %c changes in assembly.
Differences from 6.9.6 to 6.9.7 are minimal too.

I then decided to change just one file, lib/sort.c and see what happens. The only remaining difference is the path (in two places), but still no cache hits.
Does anyone know what this  # 1 " entry is? Looking at the docs, setting 
base_dir might help here but getting the right value could be tricky.
Best regards,

I tried experimenting with base_dir and hash_dir with the attached patch 
and managed to get caching across multiple builds working.
CCACHE_NOHASHDIR takes care of the cwd in the input text, whereas 
CCACHE_BASEDIR takes care of the # 1 ".
I have now filed an issue with mock in order to document my findings:

Best regards,
From 43ea7be73b257db0eea2597ae961d520186d45dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rpm-build <rpm-build>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 14:25:01 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Enable ccache debugging

 py/mockbuild/plugins/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/py/mockbuild/plugins/ b/py/mockbuild/plugins/
index 1a20846..e1058f2 100644
--- a/py/mockbuild/plugins/
+++ b/py/mockbuild/plugins/
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class CCache(object):
     def _ccachePreInitHook(self):
         getLog().info("enabled ccache")
-        envupd = {"CCACHE_DIR": "/var/tmp/ccache", "CCACHE_UMASK": "002"}
+        envupd = {"CCACHE_DIR": "/var/tmp/ccache", "CCACHE_UMASK": "002", "CCACHE_DEBUG": "1", "CCACHE_DEBUGDIR": "/var/tmp/ccache", "CCACHE_BASEDIR": "/builddir/build/BUILD/kernel-6.9.7/linux-6.9.7-200.ds01.fc40.x86_64", "CCACHE_NOHASHDIR": "1"}
         if self.ccache_opts.get('compress') is not None:
             envupd["CCACHE_COMPRESS"] = str(self.ccache_opts['compress'])

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