Stanislav Ochotnicky wrote:

> I'd like to propose a small(ish) change to how updates to Fx and Fx-1
> work.
> Currently we have to wait until package gets to stable for it to appear
> in buildroot. IMO this goes against the whole "testing" part of
> updates-testing. I'd like for packages to appear in buildroot as soon as
> they are in updates-testing. Reasoning:
>  * Building deps is part of testing. If anything fails -> package
>    should be withdrawn from testing and not pushed.
> There are a few corner-cases I could think of where this approach could
> cause a bit of headaches, but in those cases even current process
> wouldn't help us much IMO.
> Any opinions on this?

While I see some value in this, poisoning the buildroot is a grave danger 
here. I'd be hesitant to endorse it.

Is this proposal based on any real examples of updates-testing pkgs breaking 
builds?  Perhaps we could study these cases closer first.

-- Rex

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