Dne 06. 05. 24 v 1:56 odp. Florian Festi napsal(a):
RPM has deprecated the %patchN syntax in favor of %patch -PN where N is the patch number for a year now. See the RPM documentation for more information [1]. In current RPM versions, this syntax only emits a deprecation warning, but support for this syntax has been removed completely in the upcoming RPM 4.20 release. As it will be added in Fedora soon [2] it is time to switch over to the new syntax now.
Packages maintained by Tito will be affected by this. But only builds that uses DistributionBuilder or UpstreamBuilder builder. Afaik no packages that goes to Fedora uses this so it should not affect any Fedora maintainer.
Adding link to issue I just created for reference: https://github.com/rpm-software-management/tito/issues/499 And thank you for doing this change. -- Miroslav Suchy, RHCA Red Hat, Manager, Packit and CPT, #brno, #fedora-buildsys
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