On Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 1:05 AM Leon Fauster via devel
<devel@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> >
> >     Thanks for the work on it. I wonder why valkey conflicts with redis,
> >     redict for instance does not!? Is this a decision for a preferred
> >     upgrade path? What about leaving this decision to the user (keydb,
> >     redict, valkey, redis on RHEL, etc) and allowing parallel installation
> >     for testing, decision making processes and migration.
> >
> >
> > It is due to redict renaming some libs, while valkey has opted to retain
> > "redis" on some lib file names.

# rpm -ql redis | grep lib | grep -v build-id

There aren't any lib files in either valkey or redis, and none of the
directories listed above are in conflict between the two packages.

I notice also a Conflict between valkey-devel and redis-devel has
been added, and as much as I appreciate the sentiment (we're all
disappointed with what has happened), I can't see justification for
that either.

> It seems to be just links in the bin directory that overlaps (and not
> libs). Why not putting these links into the compat subpackage including
> also the conflict statement. That would allow to install the main
> package side-by-side to the other key-value-db forks.




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