Kevin Kofler via devel writes:
You make a good point there. The thing is, GNOME tries really hard to design for new users, whom they define as a user who has never before used a computer.
So, someone who never used at a computer before sits down in front of a new, empty, Gnome desktop, and it is expected that they'll take to it like a fish takes to water?
I doubt that very much. Besides, there's a fatal flaw in this hypothetical scenario.No such person could possibly exist. A completely new to computers user is not going to be sitting down in front of a new desktop, all by themselves. Without anyone else in the picture.
This is not going to happen.There's going to be someone else, sitting next to them, who will be teaching the new user how to use a computer. And that someone will /also/ be familiar with traditional desktop concepts and paradigms. They, like the new user, will also expect to have a traditional desktop in front of them, that works like a traditional desktop.
And that was the fatal flaw in the grand experiment called "Gnome 3".
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