Stephen Gallagher <> writes:
> That said, I agree that it's completely reasonable to have the default
> version also `Provides: nodejsXX` and I'll look into it.

Provides is something I did not consider at all, and it looks like the
easiest way forward! Let me know when you get around to it;
alternatively, I can throw together a package PR.

> I'm confused; it *is* in addition to the versioned ones. We just don't
> duplicate the default version because it would be a complete waste.

I meant having both versioned and unversioned packages for the *same*
(default) stream available. Probably really overkill if the provides

> The overly-simplified answer here is mainly that there are too many
> symlinks to maintain for this to be practical.

Acknowledged; thanks for info.

Jan Staněk
Software Engineer, Red Hat   irc: jstanek

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