On Wed, 20 Mar 2024 at 19:37, Iñaki Ucar <iu...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> On Tue, 19 Mar 2024 at 12:34, Michael J Gruber <m...@fedoraproject.org>
> wrote:
>> Am Di., 19. März 2024 um 11:53 Uhr schrieb Iñaki Ucar <
>> iu...@fedoraproject.org>:
>> >
>> > Dear all,
>> >
>> > I'm looking for options/advice here. See [1], and a bit of context:
>> >
>> > - RStudio (now Posit.co) publishes two packages named rstudio (with
>> RStudio Desktop) and rstudio-server (with RStudio Server). They are
>> independent and have many files in common. Recent versions are based on
>> Electron (for Desktop) and have Quarto support.
>> >
>> > - In Fedora, we decided to package all the common files in the rstudio
>> package, then build rstudio-desktop and rstudio-server for these products,
>> with just the specific files. In our build, we rely on QtWebEngine for the
>> Desktop version and disable Quarto, because it would be a nightmare to
>> package (requires Deno).
>> >
>> > Now the issue [1]: there's always been confusion among users that at
>> some point install the rstudio package provided by Posit (which provides
>> everything), many times because RStudio prompts that there's a new version
>> available and they just go click unknowingly. After some time, the package
>> manager "updates" it to our version when we hit stable, and RStudio Desktop
>> is gone (because rstudio-desktop is not present). Some time ago, I disabled
>> the "new version" notification dialog to mitigate this, but these days this
>> happens more and more frequently because users want Quarto and specifically
>> opt for the package provided by Posit.
>> >
>> > [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2270191
>> >
>> > What do you think is the best way to mitigate this? Options:
>> >
>> > 1. Keep things as they are, just tell the users to exclude the rstudio
>> package in the dnf configuration. Pros: no changes required. Cons: it's
>> clear that users don't know how to do this. And more documentation rarely
>> solves this kind of problem.
>> >
>> > 2. Make rstudio Requires rstudio-desktop. Pros: When the package
>> manager updates to our version, at least there's a working version of
>> RStudio installed. Cons: Server users shouldn't need Desktop installed.
>> Still confusing to users.
>> >
>> > 3. Rename rstudio as rstudio-common, keep rstudio as a metapackage that
>> just Requires rstudio-desktop. Pros: Same as before + Server doesn't need
>> Desktop. Cons: Still confusing to users.
>> >
>> > 4. Rename rstudio as rstudio-common, make this one Conflicts rstudio.
>> Pros: You either install rstudio from Posit, or rstudio-desktop from
>> Fedora. And I'm not sure about this, but does installing one remove the
>> other? Or does dnf at least show the conflict and the user decides? Cons:
>> `dnf install rstudio` doesn't work anymore, so it's less discoverable. And
>> we have a similar issue with rstudio-server anyways that cannot be easily
>> solved. But I suppose that admins installing rstudio-server know how to
>> prevent package updates.
>> >
>> > 5. Introduce some version component that makes our package versions be
>> sorted < than Posit's. Pros: Upgrades never happen when a user opts for
>> packages provided by Posit. Cons: I don't know how to do this without
>> breaking our updates. Probably other issues?
>> >
>> > Any advice? Other options not considered here?
>> Wow, contrived situation. I guess this shows again that packaging
>> should be left to packagers, not upstream :)
>> 4. seems to be the only solution where "problematic but typical" user
>> behaviour leads to explicit conflicts rather than "funny" behaviour.
>> `dnf` will bail out and explain the conflicts ("cannot install both
>> ...") and even suggest to use "allow-erasing", which cleans things up.
>> dnf will not offer "rstudio" updates if there is no such package in
>> Fedora repos.
>> Even in this case, one can only hope that users don't switch
>> inadvertently between "upstream" and Fedora. At least it requires
>> extra steps with 4 (though I don't now about pkgkit).
> Thanks, Michael. Do you find option 5 unadvisable? Because a possible way
> I found is the following.
> Upstream versioning is year.month.day-build. Example: 2023.12.1-403. So
> they name their package rstudio-2023.12.1-403. In a way, the build
> identifier works as a release number for them. Our package is
> rstudio-2023.12.1+403-1, so the same version is always sorted > than theirs.
> What if, for the next release, I change the versioning scheme to e.g.
> rstudio-2024.04.01~500-1, which would always be sorted < than theirs? Our
> package will be updated nicely, but then, if a user manually installs their
> packages (rstudio or rstudio-server), they will never be updated by our
> packages. Any shortcomings I don't see?

I might even do both things. In a first iteration:

- rename rstudio -> rstudio-common
- add "Conflicts: rstudio" to rstudio-common

When a new version is released:

- change the version scheme to using ~ instead of +, so that their
rstudio-server is not updated with our rstudio-server

Iñaki Úcar
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