On Срд, 20 сак 2024, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote:
On Fri, Mar 08, 2024 at 08:37:19PM +0000, Aoife Moloney wrote:
Wiki - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/OpensslNoEngine

This is a proposed Change for Fedora Linux.
This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes
process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive
community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved
by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.

== Summary ==
We disable support of engines in OpenSSL

== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:Dbelyavs| Dmitry Belyavskiy]]
* Email: dbely...@redhat.com

== Detailed Description ==
We are going to build OpenSSL without engine support. Engines are not
FIPS compatible and corresponding API is deprecated since OpenSSL 3.0.
The engine functionality we are aware of (PKCS#11, TPM) is either
covered by providers or will be covered soon.

== Feedback ==

== Benefit to Fedora ==
We get rid of deprecated functionality and enforce using up-to-date
API. Engine support is deprecated in OpenSSL upstream, and after
provider migration caused some deficiencies with engine support. No
new features will be added to the engine. So we reduce the maintenance
burden and potentially attack surface.


In systemd, we recently added support for engines in various tools:
- systemd-{repart,measure} have --private-key-source=file|engine|provider
 (this is C code).
- ukify has --signing-engine.
 This is Python code that calls sbsign or pesign to do parts of the
 heavy lifting, and those binaries do not support providers. (At least
 the docs are silent on this, please correct it they do.)

So it seems we'd lose support for signing with keys stored on yubikeys
and tpms and other fancy approaches if the proposed change goes through.


Also, what is the impact on:
- kernel module signing in the build system

scrips/sign-file.c would need to migrate from use of ENGINE_* API to
providers. This is trivial as the only use is to find pkcs11 engine and
then load a private key through it:

static EVP_PKEY *read_private_key(const char *private_key_name)
        EVP_PKEY *private_key;

        if (!strncmp(private_key_name, "pkcs11:", 7)) {
                ENGINE *e;

                e = ENGINE_by_id("pkcs11");
                ERR(!e, "Load PKCS#11 ENGINE");
                if (ENGINE_init(e))
                        ERR(1, "ENGINE_init");
                if (key_pass)
                        ERR(!ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(e, "PIN", key_pass, 0),
                            "Set PKCS#11 PIN");
                private_key = ENGINE_load_private_key(e, private_key_name,
                                                      NULL, NULL);
                ERR(!private_key, "%s", private_key_name);
        } else {
                BIO *b;

                b = BIO_new_file(private_key_name, "rb");
                ERR(!b, "%s", private_key_name);
                private_key = PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(b, NULL, pem_pw_cb,
                ERR(!private_key, "%s", private_key_name);

        return private_key;

Dmitry, I think it is something your team needs to handle (submit
support for provider vs engine to Linux kernel upstream).

- signing of shim, grub2, fwupd, and the kernel in the build system
- mokutil

mokutil does not use ENGINE_* APIs at all.

/ Alexander Bokovoy
Sr. Principal Software Engineer
Security / Identity Management Engineering
Red Hat Limited, Finland
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