Jiri Moskovcak wrote:
> This is not a first time when in see this idea and was already answered
> - we're the distro and we're responsible for the packages, filling all
> bugs to the upstream will make more harm then good - e.g. crash caused
> by our patch or by some library which has different upstream or the bug
> is already fixed in the new upstream version which is not updated in our
> repositories... and these problems are for maintainers to decide before
> they forward the ticket to the upstream...

It probably depends on the software (I know that GCC developers, for 
instance, want issues encountered with distro packages to get filed on 
distro trackers), but e.g. Gnash upstream wants to hear about the crashes in 
their software, whereas I don't, because unfortunately I really have no way 
to debug and fix all those crashes. I could spend some time on one or two 
arbitrary ones, but that wouldn't help getting all the others fixed.

        Kevin Kofler

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