On Tue, Dec 07, 2010 at 08:39:50PM -0600, BJ Dierkes wrote:

> All three pieces follow each release meaning, when 0.8.12 (current stable) 
> was released... new tarbals were released for all three.  The reason for 
> separate tarbals is primarily for maintaining releases via PyPi [2].  I need 
> all three pieces to be separate so that users can 'easy_install cement', 
> without pulling in a dozen dependencies for cement.devtools or cement.test.  
> I don't have the luxury of creating 'subpackages' in PyPi, so I have to break 
> up the sources.  

> What I would like to see is if this type of situation would lend itself to 
> making an exception to the FPG regarding 'one source per package'.  I assume 
> the section 'Bundling of multiple projects' [4] is relevant, though it is 
> pretty vague.  I guess what I'm looking for is for someone with more time in 
> the community to give some advice on this situation.  Ideally, I would like 
> to be able to maintain a single package set for say 'cement', but with 
> Source0 (cement), Source1 (cement.devtools), Source2 (cement.test).

To quote the guidelines:
| Fedora packages should make every effort to avoid having multiple,
| separate, upstream projects bundled together in a single package.

Since all tarballs belong to the same upstream project, there is nothing
wrong with using all three in one SPEC.

> Or would it be recommended to have a separate tarbal like 
> 'cement-all-0.8.12.tar.gz' which would include all parts of the project, and 
> use that as Source0?

I do not see any additional value for Fedora when doing this.


> [4] 
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingGuidelines#Bundling_of_multiple_projects

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