Am Do., 16. Nov. 2023 um 01:27 Uhr schrieb Kevin Kofler via devel <>:

> Miroslav Suchý wrote:
> > Why Kristallnachte edition? On today's date at 1938, was i Kristallnacht
> > (Night of Broken Glass) - a pogrom against Jews in Germany. It was first
> > step where every other step was worse than the previous one. It was
> > basicaly a first step that lead to holocaust.
> >
> >
> Note that the term "Kristallnacht" (or "Reichskristallnacht") is itself a
> nazi propaganda term, and it is nowadays generally agreed in Austria and
> Germany that that term should not be used. Broken glass is just broken
> glass, not "crystal". And the term only (euphemistically) mentions the
> violence against things and neglects to mention the violence against
> people.
> ... and that is why Miro mentioned all of that explicitly (and
diligently), and even pointed to a source for more information.

Historical events do not vanish by renaming them - and no single word can
describe the horror, be it "massacre" or "catastrophe" in the language of
your choice. We need to educate ourselves (and then others) about events
and names, and in fact that is what Miro's historical connotations can do,
even when they give us shivers.

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