On Mon, 2010-12-06 at 17:54 -0500, Adam Jackson wrote:

> And every time I do, I think "there's no reason it needs to be this
> hard".  All I want to do is make movies on my hard drive visible to my
> PS3.  Why is this harder than clicking "share"?  All I want to do is
> plug the NAS drive I just bought from Best Buy into the ethernet cable
> and put files on it.  Why do I have to play mother-may-I with the
> firewall config tool before I can see that it's offering a UPNP service?

No reason - but why do I have to have the default on my OVERWHELMINGLY
LARGE NUMBER OF SERVER INSTALLS be less secure b/c you want to do
something like the above?

I shouldn't.

If you want to do that on the livecd - have at it.

if you want to make it the default system-wide then we have a problem.


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