On Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 10:51:04AM +0000, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote:
> I don't think Fedora would reject those changes, because in general
> we don't reject things unless they really break stuff for other people.
> Nevertheless, I agree with what Daniel P. Berrangé wrote in another reply:
> > My concern is about where the solution is applied and divergance from
> > Fedora guidelines.
> >
> > The long term direction of Fedora / RPM has been to reduce the number
> > of scriptlets required to be explicitly listed in package specfiles, by
> > having RPM globally apply script logic for all content in certain given
> > directories. If we're using standard Fedora macros, then we'd not expect
> > to see problems if the macros get changed to adapt to new approaches,
> > but if we're going our own way all bets are off.
> >
> > The current macros we're using are specified in the Fedora packaging
> > guidelines:
> >
> >   
> > https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Scriptlets/#_systemd
> >
> > and their impl is provided by systemd upstream itself:
> >
> >   https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/main/src/rpm/macros.systemd.in
> >
> > The problems described do not appear to be things unique to libvirt.
> >
> > IOW, I think the problem needs to be raised & addressed in context of
> > the Fedora and systemd communities, rather than having libvirt diverge
> > from normal Feora packaging practice.
> You're putting in quite a lot of work to create some very specific
> machinery. From the POV of the individual package this may look like
> the most efficient solution, but from the POV of the distro, such
> unique per-package solutions have the downside that they require special
> knowledge and make it harder for other maintainers to understand the
> package and contribute to it.

No disagreement from me here :)

> I think it'd be more effiecient to go with the (slightly ugly, no
> disagreement here) seven line %trigger scriptlet. And and then work
> with upstream to implement a generic solution that can be used by all
> packages. It seems to me that the work put into implementing a custom
> solution in libvirt would be wasted if you want to work with upstream
> on a completely different general solution soon after.

Another way to look at it is that I *already* put all that work in,
and the solution I've proposed for libvirt has been tested quite
thoroughly in a number of install and upgrade scenarios. In order to
adopt the %trigger based solution, I will have to spend more time on
developing and testing another implementation.

I'll give it a shot, but as I mentioned time is not on our side with
this one. My primary concern is having a working solution in place so
that users' deployment don't break on upgrade.

> > Note that systemd-update-helper also doesn't currently support
> > marking services as needs-reload, only needs-restart, so that would
> > have to be added.
> So far, the assumption was that almost everything would be restarted
> (because we want the new code to be running). Stuff that cannot be
> restarted is effectively ignored by the packaging macros, we have
> %systemd_postun == %nil.  In the general case, for services that do
> not support restarting, it's not clear that they should be reloaded.
> They old code might not support the new configuration format, or some
> of the auxiliary files might not exist in the new version, or even if
> the reload is supported, it's not clear why it should happen.
> So packages are generally expected to do the reload, if appropriate,
> on their own. There is really no harm in having
> %postun
> systemctl try-reload foobar.service || :
> We *could* wrap this in a macro, but it's trivial and package-specific
> anyway.

I feel that having packages call systemctl directly instead of going
through the %systemd_* macros is an anti-pattern that shouldn't be

The current set of macros already includes both %systemd_postun and
%systemd_postun_with_restart, so adding %systemd_postun_with_reload
or something along those lines doesn't seem like a stretch.

Of course it would be the package's responsibility to choose the
right macro for each unit. The maintainer should know enough about
the services to make the correct call.

> > > > +%post -n kdump-tools
> > > >  # Initial installation
> > > >  %systemd_post kdump.service
> > >
> > > This one is tricky. %systemd_post presets the service on "first 
> > > installation",
> > > which is actually the first the time package is installed. I.e. it 
> > > unfortunately
> > > also would execute the preset on upgrades that split out a subpackage, 
> > > because
> > > as far as rpm is concerned, this is the initial installation of that 
> > > subpackage.
> > >
> > > The righteous way to solve this would be something like this:
> > >
> > > %triggerprein -n kdump-tools -- kexec-tools < 2.0.26-8
> > > touch %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/kexec-tools.no-preset
> > >
> > > %post -n kdump-tools
> > > rm %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/kexec-tools.no-preset 2>/dev/null && 
> > > return 0
> > > # Initial installation
> > > %systemd_post kdump.service
> > >
> > > A bit of a bother, but at least nobody will be suprised by
> > > kdump.service changing state.

Looking at this again, I can rely on the fact that %triggerprein will
run before %post, right? It looks like that based on what I know
about scriptlets execution order and your example, but I want to be

What version number should I use in my case? The package split
happened in 9.1.0-1, but this handling is going to land in 9.6.0-1 at
the earliest so I think think using this latter version number makes
more sense, right? If you have somehow already upgraded to, say,
9.3.0-1 in the meantime, then your deployment is already broken and
there's not much that we can do about it anyway.

> > The beauty of the "check at %pre time whether the unit already exists
> > on disk" approach is that it should work out of the box in all
> > scenarios, with no further information needed. Do you see a problem
> > with it that I have failed to consider?
> I think it's an interesting approach and it sounds like it should
> work. Nevertheless, it's a big departure from what we used before, so
> there might be some corner cases I'm not seeing.

That's already encouraging :)

> I wonder if it would be possible to invert the approach, and have a
> %transfiletriggerun that'd mark various using to not require a preset,
> and then just do the preset for anything that was added later.

I'm not sure I quite understand what you're suggesting.

Wouldn't that part be under systemd's control? AFAICT the current
implementation uses %transfiletriggerpostun to restart services that
have been marked as needing a restart, but the task of marking them
as such still falls on the package.

For presets, we don't have a --marked option that would allow
applying everything in one go. I actually don't think that we would
want that to happen anyway: in the case of libvirt, for example, we
need presets for virtqemud.socket to be applied before presets for
virtqemud.service, because virtqemud.socket is disabled as per the
system-wide default and virtqemud.service is explicitly enabled, but
at the same time virtqemud.service has Also=virtqemud.socket in its
[Install] section and we want the result to be both being enabled.

In general, wouldn't this kind of approach require marking units with
preset-already-applied (or similar) and carrying that annotation for
the lifetime of the system? That seems worse than marking units as
preset-needed (or similar) for just the short time between %pre and

But I might have simply misunderstood your proposal :)

Andrea Bolognani / Red Hat / Virtualization
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