On Jun 24, 2023, at 8:05 AM, Michael Catanzaro <mcatanz...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 24 2023 at 08:53:32 AM -0500, Chris Adams
> <li...@cmadams.net> wrote:
>>> Is it?  At one point, there were considerable gaps in security
>>> updates;
>> RHEL 9.x would get an update while CentOS Stream 9 (as the target for
>> RHEL 9.[x+1]) didn't get a corresponding update for quite a while.  If
>> Stream doesn't get security updates in a timely fashion, it is not at
>> all suitable for production use.
> So here is the reality with security updates. The vast majority of
> security updates are shipped in RHEL 3-9 months after we fix them,
> because minimizing the quantity of updates is an important goal in RHEL
> to reduce update churn for customers, so we only want to release quick
> fixes for issues that pose serious risk. (Most security issues are just
> not very urgent.) This means you get most security fixes drastically
> sooner in CentOS Stream than you would in RHEL. However,
> higher-severity security updates do get fixed in RHEL first. Developers
> are not permitted to fix higher-severity security issues in CentOS
> Stream until after the fix is shipped in at least one RHEL update.
> We're encouraged to do so immediately after the fix ships in RHEL, so
> there *should* only be a minor delay of, say, one or two business days
> for the developer to notice the update has shipped. So in general,
> CentOS Stream *should* generally be ahead of RHEL and ideally only
> slightly behind for the more serious CVEs.

With this development model, what is the thought for those who may want to / be 
able to submit pull requests to CentOS Stream with security fixes?
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