Yesterday I tagged a large number of my builds into dist-f14-updates.
These were all builds that had no changes from the previous stable build
except for buildroot content.  These will be "live" as of the next
(which may have already happened) updates push.

The remaining packages which need builds are:

ghostscript - twaugh - Build in updates-candidate
libglade-java - kasal - failed build
libgnome-java - kasal - failed build
libgtk-java - kasal - failed build
python - dmalcolm - build in updates-candidate
syncevolution - pbrobinson - build in updates-testing

So we need maintainer movement on ghostscript and python, and we also
need some help getting the three -java packages to build.

At this point I'm going to turn over this project to Dennis Gilmore to
follow up on.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- FreedomĀ² is a feature!

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