26.11.2010 00:43, Brendan Jones пишет:
> On 11/25/2010 11:38 PM, Pavel Alexeev (aka Pahan-Hubbitus) wrote:
>> I think abrt is mostly useful tool, but it should be more interactive to
>> our users. No, most problem from it (at my experience and by other
>> answers there) because we got many reports dead at begining. Users
>> encountered fill bug report, but if it is new user, it in 90% cases even
>> do not answer on question how it may be reproduced.
>> I assume it is main bad there.
>> Can we add functionality track user bugreports and allow answer on
>> requests (as minimum with 'needinfo' state) directly from abrt??
>> I think it may serious increase percentage of usefull bug reports from abrt.
> I think I agree with what you are saying - would be nice for bugzappers
> to be able to filter out [abrt] bugs without debug symbols and steps to
> reproduce - has anyone done this? If not I could probably have a crack
> at it using the bugzilla commandline over the weekend.
Main suggestion meantime was to continue dialog with user directly via 
abrt. It fill it via abrt and save credential. If I request something 
from user - abrt should show it information for user and provide 
possibility (at least) answer immediately.

Furthermore, step to reproduce also is very important, and may be we 
should enforce users fill it? For example put it in separate required 
field and check it is not empty (or may be some minimal heuristic 
against fill it like '123', 'qwerty', 'qaz' like: longer than 10 
symbols, contains at least 2 spaces).

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