I wanted to reach out to the DE teams on behalf of the marketing team. If there 
are cool things you are working on as it relates to the Fedora spin, please let 
us know! We want to highlight the different teams and the progress you're 
making. It can be updates on implementing the new version of the DE, bug fixes, 
a change that's specific to Fedora (even though I know we're pretty vanilla), 
or whatever.

The lead dev for the Budgie desktop is a good example of the kinds of things we 
can post about. We've boosted a few of his posts as he's made progress on the 
Budgie spin. Personally I'm not a technical guy so he may be a better model of 
the kinds of things that would be cool to post. It's actually because he's been 
active that I wanted to reach out to the other teams so that it doesn't look 
like the Fedora Mastodon account is favoring Budgie for some reason.

How can you send us stuff to post? One option is to just tell us in our 
marketing matrix channel. Lots of folks have just popped in with news, events, 
and cool updates to post. It's an easy place to drop in. Another option, also 
like Josh, is to just post about what you're doing on Mastodon! If you @ the 
Fedora account or even use the hashtag, there's a good change we'll see it from 
the Fedora account and boost. We won't boost everything folks tag us with, but 
we are looking out for neat things that would interest the community. 

This applies to really anything you're doing in Fedora, but the DEs are what 
prompted this. :)
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