> On 15/12/2022 13:34, Neal Gompa wrote:
> It should be fixed then. Please report this issue to dnf component.

Using weak deps was our original plan, but problem is it broke due to 
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ExcludeFromWeakAutodetect and we surely 
do not want to revert that. Also, it was less robust because it required dummy 
firefox and totem updates to cause the weak deps to be pulled in, and we 
regularly forgot to prepare those zero-day updates.

> 2. Please do a network presence check before doing anything. Most users 
> store Wi-Fi passwords in a KDE/GNOME keyring and there is no network 
> access during the boot. The script will fail instantly.

I agree that the script needs to be robust to the absence of network 
connectivity on first boot. That can happen for a variety of reasons.

> 4. Please implement an opt-out switch. Some users don't want openh264 
> from Cisco's third-party repository to be installed.

I don't agree that it needs an opt-out switch. (a) It should not be behind the 
existing third-party software opt-out switch, because this open source software 
is built for Fedora, by Fedora, and signed by Fedora. It uses a third-party 
host purely for legal reasons. (b) Adding a second GUI configuration switch 
would result in a confusing user experience. (c) It's easy for technical users 
to uninstall openh264 and disable the repo if desired. (d) You can also do your 
first boot without internet connected, then disable the systemd service to stop 
it from running in the first place if you really want it to never get installed.
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