3 weeks ago it was:


    As of 2022-10-27:


        There are 23302 spec files in Fedora


        264 mentions "SPDX" in the spec changelog


        out of the remaining, 173 packages mention "SPDX" in dist-git log


        22865 packages need to be migrated yet.


        11371 package has straight answer from `license-fedora2spdx` and the 
migration is trivial.

Today we have:

* 23390 spec files in Fedora

* 29290 license tags in all spec files

* 19985 tags have not been converted to SPDX yet

I count as converted even all rubygem-* packages (509 pkgs) and all rust-* packages (2007 pkgs) - ecosystem maintainers will hand them seperately.

That means 9305 license tags has been converted so far. That is big change from 3 weeks ago where we had only 437. Part of this big change can be the difference in script that count it. Now I try to validate the license according the old rule and the new rule. If the old one is invalid and the new one is valid I assume that it is new package and already has the SPDX format.

You rocks in converting the tags. You converted almost 7k tags in just 3 weeks!

Here is the artifact from my check:


If your package is not listed there, then I assume it is SPDX.

If your package is listed there without any comment, then you still need to convert it, but `license-fedora2spdx` does not give straight answer.

If your package is like:

|abcMIDI - can be trivialy converted to GPL-2.0-or-later|

|then you can easily convert your license tag to this string.|

|If your package is like:|

|  abattis-cantarell-fonts warning: not valid as calaway nor as SPDX, please 

|then your license string is not valid using both old and new rules. But there is a lot of false negative - especially the *-fonts because they declare the license using macro, which I am unable to process (yet).|

|Fun fact: the script with the checks runs on my notebook for 32 hours.|

|I will try to re-run the check in few weeks again and will report you on how 
we are going.|



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