On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 11:15:38PM +0000, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> Well if you don't consider what Lennart mentioned [1] as a con against 
> usage of lvm by default what pros do you see for having lvm by default 
> for the novice end user?

When the novice end user realizes that they made some poor storage decisions
initially, they can, with a little learning, fix it without much hassle.

I have a system which, for silly reasons, I did not use LVM, and then ended
up having change a separately-mounted /usr, and now (in a sort of irony,
considering this thread) can't shut down cleanly under systemd. Awesome.

I'm not particularly attached to LVM as a specific technology, but we need
something with equivalent functionality before we ditch it.

Matthew Miller <mat...@mattdm.org>
Senior Systems Architect -- Instructional & Research Computing Services
Harvard School of Engineering & Applied Sciences
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