Once upon a time, Kevin P. Fleming <kpflem...@redhat.com> said:
> In a similar (parallel) discussion related to future RHEL, it has been
> found this change also breaks resolution of many DNSSEC-secured domains
> which are still using SHA1 signatures. It is impossible to know how long it
> will be before those domains upgrade to better signatures, and at the
> moment it's rather challenging for resolvers to be able to determine that
> the resolution failure was caused by local policy instead of an actual
> invalid signature.

That's a really unacceptable break, and will just lead to people saying
"don't use Red Hat stuff for DNS servers".  If the public open-resolvers
(Google, Cloudflare, etc.) accept it, then it needs to continue to work on
Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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