The only thing that guidelines/Scriptlets/ tells me to do is to put %systemd_postun_with_restart in my %post. However:

1) systemd complains that it wants a daemon-reload, in order to pick up an updated .service file

2) I still must manually run systemctl reload-or-restart --marked, in order to actually restart an updated service

It seems to be there's a missing step, in here. By comparison I prepared comparable .deb packages for Ubuntu, using dh_installsystemd in the install script. The end result:

A) The initial .deb install enabled and started the service.

B) Bumping the release, rebuilding, and installing the newer package results in an automatic daemon-reload and restart, restarting the service.

Overall .deb's systemd integration seems to go smoother (compared to the rest of the .deb packaging process) than rpm's.

Is there a specific reason why %systemd_postun_with_restart stops before finishing the job? Am I missing something that I can install, to have this happen auto-magically?

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