As a reminder: Beta freeze begins on 22 February and the current target Beta release date is 15 March.
Action summary ==================== Accepted blockers ----------------- 1. anaconda — When running anaconda on Wayland with two keyboard layouts configured, hitting any modifier key with the second layout selected switches to the first layout — ASSIGNED ACTION: Maintainers to diagnose issue 2. distribution — Fedora 36 backgrounds not present on release-blocking desktops (GNOME, KDE) — ASSIGNED ACTION: KDE Maintainers to update background packages (BZ 2055437) 3. fedora-release — fedora-release-identity-cloud says "Cloud Edition", Cloud has not been an edition for years — NEW ACTION: Maintainers to update fedora-release-identity-cloud or group-with-such-authority to waive this. 4. kwin — openQA clicks in anaconda on KDE stop working shortly after it starts — NEW ACTION: Maintainers to diagnose issue 5. libinput — GNOME doesn't accept input from wireless keyboard if there's not another "keyboard" input available — NEW ACTION: Maintainers to diagnose issue 6. dnf — exclude_from_weak_autodetect=true effectively renders rich weak dependencies useless — NEW ACTION: QA and maintainers to test upstream PR Proposed blockers ----------------- 1. distribution — Some variants are missing /etc/resolv.conf symlink (use systemd-resolved) — POST ACTION: QA to verify issue is resolved 2. gnome-shell — Updating gnome-shell to 42~beta-1.fc37 or mutter to 42~beta-1.fc37 version breaks the login screen. — ON_QA ACTION: QA to verify a compose with gjs-1.71.1 3. pipewire — dnf system-upgrade 35 to 36 fails with various pipewire wireplumber conflicts — NEW ACTION: Maintainers to diagnose and fix issue Bug-by-bug detail ============= Accepted blockers ----------------- 1. anaconda — — ASSIGNED When running anaconda on Wayland with two keyboard layouts configured, hitting any modifier key with the second layout selected switches to the first layout adamwill's research shows that this bug has existed since F25, but became more viisble after KDE switched to Wayland by default. This bug was deferred to F36 Beta under the "too hard to fix" exception. There's ongoing discussion trying to come up with a potential fix, however we still seem to be a long way from that point. 2. distribution — — NEW Fedora 36 backgrounds not present on release-blocking desktops (GNOME, KDE) Update FEDORA-2022-08d5acc11b adds the F36 backgrounds. KDE Plasma needs an update to pick up the new backgrounds (BZ 2055437) 3. fedora-release — — NEW fedora-release-identity-cloud says "Cloud Edition", Cloud has not been an edition for years Waived from F35 final under the "late blocker exception." Cloud WG is working on a proposal to re-promote Cloud to Edition status, but that will not happen for F36 release cycle. 4. kwin — — NEW openQA clicks in anaconda on KDE stop working shortly after it starts Shortly after the installer starts, mouse clicks in openQA stop working. Using 'development mode' which allows for manual interaction still works. This bug only affects KDE, and appears to have been introduced in the KDE Plasma 5.24 pre-release on 2022-01-19. This bug is accepted under the "hinders execution of required Beta test plans" criterion. 5. libinput — — NEW GNOME doesn't accept input from wireless keyboard if there's not another "keyboard" input available On some hardware, devices with multiple capabilities that include keyboard do not get registered as a keyboard. Thus they only work if another keyboard is connected. It seems to mostly (or exclusively) affect some ARM hardware. 6. dnf — — ASSIGNED exclude_from_weak_autodetect=true effectively renders rich weak dependencies useless Behavior introduced by the "Enable exclude_from_weak_autodetect by default in LIBDNF" System-Wide Change appear to have undesired effects in some use cases, particularly with language packs. Upstream pull request 1439 ( contains an improvement for autodetection. Proposed blockers ----------------- 1. distribution — — POST Some variants are missing /etc/resolv.conf symlink (use systemd-resolved) Some variants are not using systemd-resolved as intended. With some recently-merged changes to Anaconda, this appears to be working correctly now, at least for ostree variants. 2. gnome-shell — — ON_QA Updating gnome-shell to 42~beta-1.fc37 or mutter to 42~beta-1.fc37 version breaks the login screen. A crash message is displayed instead of the login screen. This is fixed in gjs 1.71.1. 3. pipewire — — NEW dnf system-upgrade 35 to 36 fails with various pipewire wireplumber conflicts Package conflicts exist between pipewire-media-session and pipewire-session-manager. -- Ben Cotton He / Him / His Fedora Program Manager Red Hat TZ=America/Indiana/Indianapolis _______________________________________________ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct: List Guidelines: List Archives: Do not reply to spam on the list, report it: