Good Morning Everyone, The packagers listed here have been receiving a daily email asking them to either adjust their bugzilla or their FAS account so the email address in FAS matches an existing bugzilla account.
Having a bugzilla account is mandatory per: - msehnout contacted since December 15th msehnout is watching rpms/bind msehnout is watching rpms/bind99 msehnout is maintainer of rpms/ipcalc msehnout is watching rpms/libpcap msehnout is maintainer of rpms/osbuild msehnout is maintainer of rpms/osbuild-composer msehnout is watching rpms/pure-ftpd msehnout is watching rpms/tcpdump msehnout is watching rpms/vsftpd msehnout is watching rpms/wireshark (I will be opening a FESCo ticket for msehnout right now as this is the second email sent to the devel list) - shaneallcroft contacted since January 28th shaneallcroft is main admin of rpms/pyplane shaneallcroft has a bugzilla override on rpms/pyplane - lef contacted since January 22nd (lef's package list is quite large, so I'm putting it at the very end of this email) Does anyone know how to contact them? Thanks, Pierre lef is maintainer of rpms/HikariCP lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/HikariCP lef is maintainer of rpms/PyXB lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/PyXB lef is maintainer of rpms/aesh lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/aesh lef is maintainer of rpms/airline lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/airline lef is maintainer of rpms/antlr-maven-plugin lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/antlr-maven-plugin lef is maintainer of rpms/antlr3 lef is maintainer of rpms/antlr4 lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/antlr4 lef is watching rpms/apache-commons-csv lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/apache-commons-csv lef is maintainer of rpms/apache-james-project lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/apache-james-project lef is watching rpms/apache-mime4j lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/apache-mime4j lef is maintainer of rpms/apache-poi lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/apache-poi lef is maintainer of rpms/apiviz lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/apiviz lef is maintainer of rpms/aries-blueprint-annotation-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/aries-blueprint-annotation-api lef is maintainer of rpms/aries-blueprint-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/aries-blueprint-api lef is maintainer of rpms/aries-blueprint-core lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/aries-blueprint-core lef is maintainer of rpms/aries-blueprint-parser lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/aries-blueprint-parser lef is maintainer of rpms/aries-proxy-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/aries-proxy-api lef is maintainer of rpms/aries-proxy-impl lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/aries-proxy-impl lef is maintainer of rpms/aries-quiesce-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/aries-quiesce-api lef is maintainer of rpms/aries-util lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/aries-util lef is maintainer of rpms/arquillian-core lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/arquillian-core lef is maintainer of rpms/artemis lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/artemis lef is maintainer of rpms/artemis-wildfly-integration lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/artemis-wildfly-integration lef is maintainer of rpms/atool lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/atool lef is watching rpms/auto lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/auto lef is maintainer of rpms/avro lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/avro lef is watching rpms/bean-validation-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/bean-validation-api lef is maintainer of rpms/bytelist lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/bytelist lef is watching rpms/c3p0 lef is maintainer of rpms/castor lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/castor lef is maintainer of rpms/checkstyle lef is maintainer of rpms/classmate lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/classmate lef is maintainer of rpms/cli-parser lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/cli-parser lef is maintainer of rpms/conakry-fonts lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/conakry-fonts lef is maintainer of rpms/cookcc lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/cookcc lef is maintainer of rpms/cryptacular lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/cryptacular lef is watching rpms/crypto-policies lef is maintainer of rpms/cxf lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/cxf lef is maintainer of rpms/cxf-build-utils lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/cxf-build-utils lef is maintainer of rpms/cxf-xjc-utils lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/cxf-xjc-utils lef is maintainer of rpms/deltaspike lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/deltaspike lef is watching rpms/derby lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/derby lef is watching rpms/disruptor lef is maintainer of rpms/easymock3 lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/easymock3 lef is maintainer of rpms/eclipse lef is maintainer of rpms/eclipse-filesystem lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/eclipse-filesystem lef is maintainer of rpms/eclipselink lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/eclipselink lef is maintainer of rpms/ehcache-core lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/ehcache-core lef is maintainer of rpms/ehcache2 lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/ehcache2 lef is watching rpms/emma lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/emma lef is maintainer of rpms/fastutil lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/fastutil lef is maintainer of rpms/fpaste lef is watching rpms/freemarker lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/freemarker lef is watching rpms/gcompris lef is maintainer of rpms/generic-jms-ra lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/generic-jms-ra lef is maintainer of rpms/geronimo-ejb lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/geronimo-ejb lef is maintainer of rpms/geronimo-interceptor lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/geronimo-interceptor lef is maintainer of rpms/geronimo-jcache lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/geronimo-jcache lef is maintainer of rpms/geronimo-jcdi-1.0-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/geronimo-jcdi-1.0-api lef is watching rpms/geronimo-jpa lef is watching rpms/glassfish-annotation-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/glassfish-annotation-api lef is maintainer of rpms/glassfish-ejb-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/glassfish-ejb-api lef is maintainer of rpms/glassfish-enterprise-concurrent lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/glassfish-enterprise-concurrent lef is maintainer of rpms/glassfish-enterprise-concurrent-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/glassfish-enterprise-concurrent-api lef is watching rpms/glassfish-jax-rs-api lef is watching rpms/glassfish-legal lef is watching rpms/glassfish-master-pom lef is maintainer of rpms/glassfish-saaj lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/glassfish-saaj lef is maintainer of rpms/glassfish-servlet-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/glassfish-servlet-api lef is maintainer of rpms/glassfish-toplink-essentials lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/glassfish-toplink-essentials lef is maintainer of rpms/glassfish-transaction-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/glassfish-transaction-api lef is maintainer of rpms/glassfish-websocket-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/glassfish-websocket-api lef is watching rpms/google-gson lef is maintainer of rpms/gramps lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/gramps lef is maintainer of rpms/h2 lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/h2 lef is watching rpms/ha-jdbc lef is maintainer of rpms/hibernate lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/hibernate lef is maintainer of rpms/hibernate-commons-annotations lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/hibernate-commons-annotations lef is maintainer of rpms/hibernate-hql lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/hibernate-hql lef is watching rpms/hibernate-jpa-2.0-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/hibernate-jpa-2.0-api lef is maintainer of rpms/hibernate-jpa-2.1-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/hibernate-jpa-2.1-api lef is maintainer of rpms/hibernate-search lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/hibernate-search lef is maintainer of rpms/hibernate-validator lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/hibernate-validator lef is maintainer of rpms/hibernate3 lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/hibernate3 lef is maintainer of rpms/hibernate4 lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/hibernate4 lef is maintainer of rpms/hornetq lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/hornetq lef is maintainer of rpms/hppc lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/hppc lef is maintainer of rpms/hsqldb1 lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/hsqldb1 lef is maintainer of rpms/httpcomponents-asyncclient lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/httpcomponents-asyncclient lef is watching rpms/icu4j lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/icu4j lef is maintainer of rpms/idlj-maven-plugin lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/idlj-maven-plugin lef is watching rpms/infinispan lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/infinispan lef is maintainer of rpms/ironjacamar lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/ironjacamar lef is watching rpms/itext lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/itext lef is watching rpms/jackson-annotations lef is watching rpms/jackson-databind lef is maintainer of rpms/jackson-dataformat-cbor lef is maintainer of rpms/jackson-dataformat-smile lef is maintainer of rpms/jackson-dataformat-xml lef is maintainer of rpms/jackson-dataformat-yaml lef is maintainer of rpms/jackson-datatype-jdk8 lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jackson-datatype-jdk8 lef is maintainer of rpms/jackson-datatype-jsr310 lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jackson-datatype-jsr310 lef is watching rpms/jackson-jaxrs-providers lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jackson-jaxrs-providers lef is maintainer of rpms/jackson-module-jaxb-annotations lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jackson-module-jaxb-annotations lef is maintainer of rpms/jacoco lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jacoco lef is maintainer of rpms/jacorb lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jacorb lef is maintainer of rpms/jamonapi lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jamonapi lef is maintainer of rpms/jandex-maven-plugin lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jandex-maven-plugin lef is maintainer of rpms/jasperreports lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jasperreports lef is maintainer of rpms/jastow lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jastow lef is maintainer of rpms/jasypt lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jasypt lef is maintainer of rpms/java-oauth lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/java-oauth lef is maintainer of rpms/java-service-wrapper lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/java-service-wrapper lef is watching rpms/javaparser lef is maintainer of rpms/javawriter lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/javawriter lef is maintainer of rpms/jaxb2-maven-plugin lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jaxb2-maven-plugin lef is maintainer of rpms/jaxws-jboss-httpserver-httpspi lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jaxws-jboss-httpserver-httpspi lef is maintainer of rpms/jaxws-undertow-httpspi lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jaxws-undertow-httpspi lef is maintainer of rpms/jberet lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jberet lef is watching rpms/jboss-annotations-1.2-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-annotations-1.2-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-batch-1.0-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-batch-1.0-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-classfilewriter lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-classfilewriter lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-common-beans lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-common-beans lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-common-core lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-common-core lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-concurrency-1.0-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-concurrency-1.0-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-connector-1.6-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-connector-1.6-api lef is watching rpms/jboss-connector-1.7-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-connector-1.7-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-dmr lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-dmr lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-ejb-3.2-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-ejb-3.2-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-ejb-client lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-ejb-client lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-ejb3-ext-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-ejb3-ext-api lef is watching rpms/jboss-el-3.0-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-iiop-client lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-iiop-client lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-integration lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-integration lef is watching rpms/jboss-interceptors-1.2-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-invocation lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-invocation lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-j2eemgmt-1.1-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-j2eemgmt-1.1-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-jacc-1.4-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-jacc-1.4-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-jacc-1.5-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-jacc-1.5-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-jaspi-1.0-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-jaspi-1.0-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-jaspi-1.1-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-jaspi-1.1-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-jaxb-2.2-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-jaxb-2.2-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-jaxb-intros lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-jaxb-intros lef is watching rpms/jboss-jaxrs-2.0-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-jaxrs-2.0-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-jaxws-2.2-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-jaxws-2.2-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-jms-1.1-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-jms-1.1-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-jms-2.0-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-jms-2.0-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-jsf-2.2-api lef is watching rpms/jboss-jsp-2.3-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-jsp-2.3-api lef is watching rpms/jboss-logging-tools lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-logging-tools lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-logging-tools1 lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-logging-tools1 lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-logmanager lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-logmanager-log4j lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-logmanager-log4j lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-metadata lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-metadata lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-msc lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-msc lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-negotiation lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-negotiation lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-remote-naming lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-remote-naming lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-remoting lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-remoting lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-remoting-jmx lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-remoting-jmx lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-rmi-1.0-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-rmi-1.0-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-saaj-1.3-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-saaj-1.3-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-sasl lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-sasl lef is watching rpms/jboss-servlet-3.1-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-stdio lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-stdio lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-threads lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-threads lef is watching rpms/jboss-transaction-1.2-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-transaction-1.2-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-transaction-spi lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-transaction-spi lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-vfs lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-vfs lef is watching rpms/jboss-websocket-1.0-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-websocket-1.0-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jboss-websocket-1.1-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jboss-websocket-1.1-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jbossws-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jbossws-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jbossws-common lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jbossws-common lef is maintainer of rpms/jbossws-common-tools lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jbossws-common-tools lef is maintainer of rpms/jbossws-cxf lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jbossws-cxf lef is maintainer of rpms/jbossws-parent lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jbossws-parent lef is maintainer of rpms/jbossws-spi lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jbossws-spi lef is maintainer of rpms/jcodings lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jcodings lef is watching rpms/jdeparser lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jdeparser lef is maintainer of rpms/jdeparser1 lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jdeparser1 lef is maintainer of rpms/jdo-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jdo-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jetbrains-annotations lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jetbrains-annotations lef is watching rpms/jetty-alpn-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jetty-alpn-api lef is maintainer of rpms/jexcelapi lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jexcelapi lef is maintainer of rpms/jgroups lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jgroups lef is maintainer of rpms/jibx lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jibx lef is maintainer of rpms/jipijapa lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jipijapa lef is maintainer of rpms/jmh lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jmh lef is maintainer of rpms/johnzon lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/johnzon lef is maintainer of rpms/jopt-simple lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jopt-simple lef is maintainer of rpms/jruby lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jruby lef is maintainer of rpms/json-path lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/json-path lef is maintainer of rpms/json-smart lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/json-smart lef is maintainer of rpms/jsonp lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jsonp lef is maintainer of rpms/jts lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jts lef is maintainer of rpms/jul-to-slf4j-stub lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/jul-to-slf4j-stub lef is watching rpms/kohsuke-pom lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/kohsuke-pom lef is maintainer of rpms/leveldb-java lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/leveldb-java lef is maintainer of rpms/leveldbjni lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/leveldbjni lef is maintainer of rpms/lightcouch lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/lightcouch lef is maintainer of rpms/log4j-jboss-logmanager lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/log4j-jboss-logmanager lef is watching rpms/log4j12 lef is maintainer of rpms/lucene lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/lucene lef is maintainer of rpms/maven-checkstyle-plugin lef is maintainer of rpms/maven-processor-plugin lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/maven-processor-plugin lef is maintainer of rpms/metainf-services lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/metainf-services lef is maintainer of rpms/mimepull lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/mimepull lef is maintainer of rpms/mingw-nsis lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/mingw-nsis lef is maintainer of rpms/mod_cluster lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/mod_cluster lef is maintainer of rpms/mojarra lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/mojarra lef is maintainer of rpms/mongo-java-driver lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/mongo-java-driver lef is maintainer of rpms/morfologik-stemming lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/morfologik-stemming lef is maintainer of rpms/msgpack lef is maintainer of rpms/mustache-java lef is maintainer of rpms/narayana lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/narayana lef is maintainer of rpms/neethi lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/neethi lef is maintainer of rpms/netty-xnio-transport lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/netty-xnio-transport lef is maintainer of rpms/netty3 lef is maintainer of rpms/noggit lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/noggit lef is maintainer of rpms/openjdk-orb lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/openjdk-orb lef is maintainer of rpms/openjpa lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/openjpa lef is maintainer of rpms/opensaml-java lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/opensaml-java lef is maintainer of rpms/openwebbeans lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/openwebbeans lef is maintainer of rpms/osm-gps-map lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/osm-gps-map lef is watching rpms/paranamer lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/paranamer lef is maintainer of rpms/perl-Alien-wxWidgets lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/perl-Alien-wxWidgets lef is maintainer of rpms/perl-ExtUtils-XSpp lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/perl-ExtUtils-XSpp lef is maintainer of rpms/perl-Wx lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/perl-Wx lef is maintainer of rpms/picketbox lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/picketbox lef is maintainer of rpms/picketbox-commons lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/picketbox-commons lef is maintainer of rpms/picketbox-xacml lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/picketbox-xacml lef is maintainer of rpms/picketlink lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/picketlink lef is maintainer of rpms/picketlink-bindings lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/picketlink-bindings lef is maintainer of rpms/powermock lef is maintainer of rpms/primer3 lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/primer3 lef is maintainer of rpms/protoparser lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/protoparser lef is maintainer of rpms/protostream lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/protostream lef is maintainer of rpms/proxool lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/proxool lef is maintainer of rpms/publicsuffix-list lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/publicsuffix-list lef is maintainer of rpms/pyicu lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/pyicu lef is maintainer of rpms/quartz lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/quartz lef is watching rpms/randomizedtesting lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/randomizedtesting lef is maintainer of rpms/ratpoison lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/ratpoison lef is maintainer of rpms/rhq-plugin-annotations lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/rhq-plugin-annotations lef is maintainer of rpms/rome lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/rome lef is maintainer of rpms/scponly lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/scponly lef is maintainer of rpms/shibboleth-java-support lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/shibboleth-java-support lef is maintainer of rpms/shrinkwrap-descriptors lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/shrinkwrap-descriptors lef is maintainer of rpms/shrinkwrap-resolver lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/shrinkwrap-resolver lef is maintainer of rpms/sil-mingzat-fonts lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/sil-mingzat-fonts lef is watching rpms/simple-xml lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/simple-xml lef is maintainer of rpms/slf4j-jboss-logmanager lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/slf4j-jboss-logmanager lef is watching rpms/snappy-java lef is maintainer of rpms/spatial4j lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/spatial4j lef is watching rpms/spec-version-maven-plugin lef is maintainer of rpms/springframework lef is maintainer of rpms/staxmapper lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/staxmapper lef is maintainer of rpms/stream-lib lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/stream-lib lef is maintainer of rpms/stringtemplate lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/stringtemplate lef is watching rpms/stringtemplate4 lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/stringtemplate4 lef is maintainer of rpms/swagger-core lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/swagger-core lef is maintainer of rpms/tika lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/tika lef is maintainer of rpms/tiles lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/tiles lef is maintainer of rpms/tomcat-taglibs-standard lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/tomcat-taglibs-standard lef is maintainer of rpms/treelayout lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/treelayout lef is maintainer of rpms/uima-addons lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/uima-addons lef is maintainer of rpms/uimaj lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/uimaj lef is maintainer of rpms/undertow lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/undertow lef is maintainer of rpms/undertow-js lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/undertow-js lef is maintainer of rpms/unifont lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/unifont lef is maintainer of rpms/velocity-tools lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/velocity-tools lef is maintainer of rpms/weld-api lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/weld-api lef is maintainer of rpms/weld-core lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/weld-core lef is maintainer of rpms/wildfly lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/wildfly lef is maintainer of rpms/wildfly-arquillian lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/wildfly-arquillian lef is maintainer of rpms/wildfly-build-tools lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/wildfly-build-tools lef is maintainer of rpms/wildfly-common lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/wildfly-common lef is maintainer of rpms/wildfly-core lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/wildfly-core lef is maintainer of rpms/wildfly-elytron lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/wildfly-elytron lef is maintainer of rpms/wildfly-security-manager lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/wildfly-security-manager lef is maintainer of rpms/ws-xmlschema lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/ws-xmlschema lef is maintainer of rpms/wss4j lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/wss4j lef is maintainer of rpms/xml-security lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/xml-security lef is maintainer of rpms/xmlbeans lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/xmlbeans lef is watching rpms/xmlstreambuffer lef is maintainer of rpms/xnio lef has a bugzilla override on rpms/xnio _______________________________________________ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct: List Guidelines: List Archives: Do not reply to spam on the list, report it: