On Sun, Jan 2, 2022 at 7:33 PM stan via devel
<devel@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Jan 2022 02:00:34 +0100
> Pawel Veselov <pawel.vese...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Greetings!
> > I've been banging my head against this wall for a while now, and would
> > really appreciate some pointers.
> >
> > I can no longer record Google Meet meetings using RecordRTC
> > (https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/RecordRTC/). This promptly became a
> > problem once I upgraded from F33 to F35. I'm fairly certain this has
> > therefore something to do with PipeWire. The problem occurs on every
> > browser I've tried, including Chrome and Firefox. The symptoms is that
> > though my audio comes through clearly to other meeting participants,
> > my recording of my own voice is at the minimum chopped off, and at
> > worst is mostly silence with occasional blips of syllable fragments.
> > The audio coming from other participants is recorded correctly.
> I have very little understanding of pipewire and no understanding of
> RecordRTC.  But I have a couple of suggetions you could try.
> You could try installing wireplumber, if it isn't already installed, to
> see if it fixes the issue.

Yeah, that didn't help.

> You could try using obs-studio (available from rpmfusion) to record the
> session instead of RecordRTC (not sure how that fits with your
> workflow).

Thank you. First, I figured if I'm to use a native recorder, I can use
However, when I tried a full test - with the mic and the audio
monitor, I ran into exactly the same problem - the "monitor" stream is
recorded fine, but the mic stream is practically missing. Which is
good, because then this problem seems to be about recording from more
than one source at the same time, and I can debug this with
vokoscreenNG, rather than with Chrome, and with a much simpler
reproduction path.

However, I also did try obs-studio, and yes, it's a lot more
complicated than what I need from it at the moment, but amazingly it
works. So great, now I can also try to understand how come it does
when others don't.

RecordRTC is best suited for what I want since it lets me capture the
contents of a tab, at least in Chrome, but I can limp on obs-studio
until I figured this out.
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