Am Samstag, dem 30.10.2021 um 22:00 +0200 schrieb Alexander Ploumistos:
> Hello,
> I'm wondering if there's an "elegant" and "rpm" way to do the
> following, without calling an external tool (and maybe adding another
> dependency to a package):
> Project "foo" tracks the development of project "bar" and both use
> basic semantic versioning, X.Y.Z. Project "bar" rarely increments the
> patch version and only for internal development purposes. Regular
> releases always carry a patch version of 0, e.g. 16.5.0. Project "foo"
> follows the same major and minor versions as "bar", but they also
> publish releases with incremented patch versions. Any given foo
> release should be built against a bar release with the same major and
> minor versions. Does rpm provide a way to require that part of the
> version string, e.g. for foo-16.5.4:
> Requires: bar >= 16.5
> without hard coding the actual values?

This should solve your problem as described:

# These lines go *after* the package version has been set.
# Name: foo
# Version: X.Y.Z
# …
%global ver_major       %(echo %{version} | cut -d. -f1)    # X
%global ver_minor       %(echo %{version} | cut -d. -f2)    # Y
%global ver_minor_next  %(echo $((%{ver_minor}+1)))         # Y+1

# BuildRequires with versioning
BuildRequires: bar-devel >= %{ver_major}.%{ver_minor}       # X.Y
BuildRequires: bar-devel <  %{ver_major}.%{ver_minor_next}  # X.(Y+1)

# Archful runtime Requires with versioning
Requires: bar%{?_isa} >= %{ver_major}.%{ver_minor}
Requires: bar%{?_isa} <  %{ver_major}.%{ver_minor_next}

# Archless runtime Requires with versioning, if bar is noarch.
Requires: bar >= %{ver_major}.%{ver_minor}
Requires: bar <  %{ver_major}.%{ver_minor_next}

This does not take into account if bar has an epoch in its EVR.


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