On Fri, 2021-08-13 at 14:21 -0400, JT wrote:
> They should have been picked up by me.  I thought Eric transferred them to
> me. Was there something I didn't do that I needed to do after that?

I'm not sure what happened there, I'm afraid. But now they're orphaned,
they need to be unorphaned.

states "Retired Fedora packages (rawhide branch retired) require a re-
review if they are retired for more than eight weeks or if there is no
previous review of the package." These seem to have been retired since
May so, unfortunately, will need a re-review. So basically you have to
go back through the package review process -
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Package_Review_Process - and then once
it's approved again, file a releng ticket requesting unretirement. I
guess the new review bugs can specify that they're for unretiring the
packages, and refer back to the initial review bugs, to maybe expedite
the process a bit.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA
IRC: adamw | Twitter: adamw_ha

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