As you may already know [0], we plan to upgrade the Python documentation
framework Sphinx to a new major version - currently it's 4.0.2.
The update will take place on Monday, *June 28th*.
Packages that stopped building or running with the newest Sphinx stack
were identified during the test build in the Copr repository [1].
There are still a lot of packages which fail to build.
Please, if you haven't already, check the build logs and work with the
upstream towards fixing the failures.
Feel free to use the Copr repository to test your package there.
For details regarding the Sphinx update, see the associated Fedora
Change [0].
Having questions or in need of help? Don't hesitate to contact me.
You can reply to this thread or find ksurma on #fedora-python IRC
channel (libera.chat).
Best regards,
Karolina Surma
[0] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Sphinx4
[1] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ksurma/pygments-2.9.0/
be confused by the
Maintainers by package:
Mayavi chedi orion
ansible kevin toshio wzzrd
ara dmsimard
arbor ankursinha
borgbackup fschwarz
botan thm
condor bbockelm bcotton eerlands matt matyas stevetraylen
tstclair ttheisen valtri
copr-keygen clime dturecek frostyx msuchy praiskup
gcc aoliva jakub law mpolacek
ghc petersen
kea landgraf thozza zdohnal
libgpuarray jjames
php-opencloud-openstack lcts
python-BTrees jjames
python-anyio carlwgeorge fab
python-djvulibre terrycloth
python-f5-sdk xavierb
python-glue lgs
python-h2 eclipseo
python-libpysal qulogic
python-listparser atim limb
python-novaclient apevec jruzicka
python-openstackclient apevec
python-patsy sergiopr
python-persistent jjames
python-pkginfo thrnciar
python-pycryptodomex melmorabity
python-pynetdicom alciregi
python-pyswarms iztokf
python-rjsmin kwizart mrunge
python-ruffus qulogic
python-sphinx-tabs hobbes1069
python-sphinxcontrib-asyncio fab
python-sphinxcontrib-phpdomain fab
python-sphinxcontrib-trio jcaratzas thm
python-texext jjames
python-txtorcon decathorpe
python-whoosh rkuska sgallagh
python-zarr qulogic
rebase-helper nforro phracek
tortoisehg kiilerix nbecker
waiverdb gnaponie lholecek lucarval mprahl ralph vmaljulin
xeus qulogic
xtl qulogic
Packages by maintainer:
alciregi python-pynetdicom
ankursinha arbor
aoliva gcc
apevec python-novaclient python-openstackclient
atim python-listparser
bbockelm condor
bcotton condor
carlwgeorge python-anyio
chedi Mayavi
clime copr-keygen
decathorpe python-txtorcon
dmsimard ara
dturecek copr-keygen
eclipseo python-h2
eerlands condor
fab python-anyio python-sphinxcontrib-asyncio
frostyx copr-keygen
fschwarz borgbackup
gnaponie waiverdb
hobbes1069 python-sphinx-tabs
iztokf python-pyswarms
jakub gcc
jcaratzas python-sphinxcontrib-trio
jjames libgpuarray python-BTrees python-persistent python-texext
jruzicka python-novaclient
kevin ansible
kiilerix tortoisehg
kwizart python-rjsmin
landgraf kea
law gcc
lcts php-opencloud-openstack
lgs python-glue
lholecek waiverdb
limb python-listparser
lucarval waiverdb
matt condor
matyas condor
melmorabity python-pycryptodomex
mpolacek gcc
mprahl waiverdb
mrunge python-rjsmin
msuchy copr-keygen
nbecker tortoisehg
nforro rebase-helper
orion Mayavi
petersen ghc
phracek rebase-helper
praiskup copr-keygen
qulogic python-libpysal python-ruffus python-zarr xeus xtl
ralph waiverdb
rkuska python-whoosh
sergiopr python-patsy
sgallagh python-whoosh
stevetraylen condor
terrycloth python-djvulibre
thm botan python-sphinxcontrib-trio
thozza kea
thrnciar python-pkginfo
toshio ansible
tstclair condor
ttheisen condor
valtri condor
vmaljulin waiverdb
wzzrd ansible
xavierb python-f5-sdk
zdohnal kea
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