On Fri, Jun 4, 2021 at 11:53 AM Hans de Goede <hdego...@redhat.com> wrote:
> I've a couple of packages which depend on jline2, so I've just taken
> owner ship of jansi-native. Feel free to give jline2 and jansi1 to me
> too (FAS: jwrdegoede) I would very much welcome co-maintainers for these,
> if anyone wants co-admin rights, just let me know.

Sorry to start this thread and then disappear.  A whole lot of
$REALLIFE has happened in the past few days.  (All good, just very
time consuming.)

I've transferred jansi1 and jline2 to you.  I have taken ant-contrib,
jakarta-commons-httpclient, jakarta-ws-rs, and
spec-version-maven-plugin.  I will try to remove dependencies on these
packages, if possible, with an eye to retiring them later if that can
be done.
Jerry James
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