Il 01/06/21 21:57, Eike Rathke ha scritto:
> Hi Kamil,
> On Tuesday, 2021-06-01 10:38:40 +0200, Kamil Paral wrote:
>> I'd still prefer if I didn't have to register an IRC nick and didn't need
>> to communicate with Appservice and NickServ (I just wish to forget about
>> IRC completely), hopefully that will be possible in the future.
> Doubtful. You can not expect to not register a nick on IRC and at the
> same time to use that nick. You can however join IRC without registering
> a nick, but your mxname[m] nick will be changed to Guest#### after 30
> seconds not having identified with NickServ. Well, if channels don't
> require a registered nick that is.. and you can't do a PM chat without
> having a registered nick.
> On the other hand, registering a nick and doing !username and !storepass
> with appservice is a one time action and then just forget.
>    Eike
Well, my problem is that my fas name `mattia` (not a great fantasy here)
is already registered to some other user on IRC (both freenode and
libera), so I have to use something else in Fedora channels.
This is the reason I'm eagarly awaiting for swiching to Matrix and use
my fas authentication.


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