2010/10/13 Jesse Keating <jkeat...@redhat.com>:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 10/13/10 2:04 AM, Rudolf Kastl wrote:
>> Let me clarify. On the criteria page i read (have to dig out the link)
>> it said that bugs regarding having /boot on softraid are ignored at
>> this point, so no i didnt bother filing a report. sounded like a known
>> issue.
>> As for the test day. Really, i always try to help out on test days but
>> i guess i was too busy/on the road when this one happened. Manually
>> setting up softraids with mdadm works like a charm btw. What is
>> problematic is setting up the correct partition layout manually with 2
>> drives because anaconda moves around and reenumberates the partitions
>> when you add new ones. (that drove me to insanity.) also note that
>> using kickstart works like a charm aswell.
>> in the notes i only found:
>> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F13_bugs#Booting_from_an_mdraid_mirror_without_a_separate_.2Fboot_fails
>> Atleast on the f12 install this also failed with a seperate boot.  I
>> am going to keep my eyes open for f14 and doing an install with the
>> current f14 state soon to see which of those issues is still left and
>> file appropriate reports regarding the open issues. I am really
>> curious also if it will automatically make both disks of the mirror
>> setup bootable (writing grub to both mbrs).
> Ok, so what you're saying is, that the specific case of having /boot on
> softraid didn't work for you.  I may have missed that clarification in
> your first email.  I do find it odd because I constantly test scenarios
> where /boot is a small mirror and / is a large stripe and it seems to
> work every time for me, often starting from blank disks.  I'll test that
> scenario again soon, maybe there is something I'm doing that you're not,
> or vice versa?

hmm could be. actually what i do is i create 2 partitions on each disk
( for /boot and the rest) and then i softraid each pair and put lvm on
top of the non /boot md of course due to the limitations of legacy
grub (raid 10 would be faster but... i like the lvm functionality).
All raid setups are simple mirrors with 2 disks. I already had the
trouble that the partition enumberation would change numbers and order
during creating the partitions (to workaround that i precreated the
partitions before starting the installer). after completing an install
like that the system refused to boot (as far as i remember when it was
supposed to read and handle the initrd.) i was assuming that it maybe
doesent have the raid modules loaded or not available in the
initramfs, but this is just a guess, i cannot remember really.

what succeeded was... installing the os on one disk using lvm (/boot /
/home swap). creating the mdraid with missing instead the first disk
on the second physical hds partitions. then adding the md devices to
the vg and pvmoving the first physical disk out... later adding the
disk in the "missing" slot of the md and also mirror raiding the /boot
partition followed by an update of the initramfs.

kind regards,
Rudolf Kastl

> - --
> Jesse Keating
> Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature!
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