Jan Grulich kirjoitti 1.5.2021 klo 22.15:

Octave is suffering from similar problems. I have reported this:


and also saw another issue where menus opened in strange places on the
screen, or even partially off-screen. I did not report that yet, because
I do know how to reproduce reliably.

The best assumption I could produce was simply that Qt5 and Wayland do
not play well together. Maybe Gnome also needs to be involved. Is there
a distribution that has that combination, but does not have these problems?

As far as I know, Qt 5 reached end of life when Qt 6 came out. To me it
seems unlikely that remaining Qt 5 Wayland problems will ever get fixed.
Is there some downside to forcing XWayland through QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb
for Qt 5 applications with problems on Wayland?

That's not true. Fixes are still happening in 5.15 and there is even a
public repository for Qt 5.15 in KDE's Gitlab instance. Also, given that
Qt6 is not really different from Qt5 that much (at least in QtWayland),
then all fixes in Qt6 are easily backportable to Qt5, which is something I
do quite often.

Ok, great to hear that the situation is better than what I thought. In that case, I will try to dig a bit deeper into the issue .

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