Matthew Garrett wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 09:32:15AM +1000, Jeffrey Fearn wrote:
>> What do you mean "leave it alone"? The people using it WANT the changes. 
>> Why are you telling them how they can use their system?
> Because by pushing updates you're also potentially making it impossible 
> for people who don't want new bugs to use Fedora. The board have decided 
> that that's a class of user that we want to support.

They also won't get old bugs fixed because I for one don't have the time 
, or the will, to maintain multiple versions.

>> They want the changes, it's trivial for me to give them the changes, why 
>> wouldn't I give them the changes?
> Because anyone who says that they can provide a software update without 
> any risk of breaking something that a user currently depends on is 
> either naive or lying.

Guess we are lucky no one said such a stupid thing eh.

Cheers, Jeff.

Jeff Fearn <>
Software Engineer
Engineering Operations
Red Hat, Inc
Freedom ... courage ... Commitment ... ACCOUNTABILITY
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