mt-daapd in Fedora (and EPEL) is nothing than life of pain (crashes, 
sudden unexaplained stops, etc.) and its upstream is dead.

There is now fork of it (
forked-daapd) which shows some life and hope it could be acutally 
maintained by somebody who at least pretends to know what he is doing (I 
have no way how to evaluate his abilities in better way not being a C 
programmer myself).

Therefore I would suggest to rename and rebase mt-daapd in Fedora to 

I have created forked-daapd branch in fedpkg mt-daapd repo with forked-
daapd.spec and I have also collected all known to me patches against mt-
daapd (branches fedora and ensureUTF8; the latter I will try to push 
upstream) to my repo git://

Of course, I expect, that this will require new Package Review.

Comments, objections? Does anybody else do the same?


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