On 10/08/2010 08:51 PM, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
> On Friday, October 08, 2010 01:09:32 pm Farkas Levente wrote:
>> On 10/08/2010 07:57 PM, Jesse Keating wrote:
>>> On 10/8/10 10:52 AM, Farkas Levente wrote:
>>>> rhel-6 beta2's
>>>> nss-3.12.6-3.el6.x86_64
>>>> anyway yesterday morning i was not able to build, but afternoot after a
>>>> new cert ie: fedora-packager-setup i was able to build again. then today
>>>> i can't build again...
>>> Are you generating the cert on multiple hosts?  You can only ever have
>>> one cert, you have to copy it manually to all the hosts that you work
>>> from.
>>> Also, I seem to recall RHEL6's nss having issues with our cert, somebody
>>> more familiar with the problem will have to verify though.
>> i synchronize my home and all of my system use rhel-6 beta2 and
>> yesterday i was able to build today i'm not again (and there was not any
>> kind of package in the last few weeks:-).
> Rhel6's curl doesnt support fas certs.
>  but openssl does since it makes them. 
> does
> koji list-tasks --mine
> work?

ok. sorry it was my fault:-( one of my machine use koji-1.4.0-4 which is
no longer works on rhel-6, just only on fedora. after i downgrade to
koji-1.4.0-2 it's start to work again...
anyway it'd be useful to keep koji and fedpkg versions consistent on all
release (both fedora and rhel) to avoid such problems...

  Levente                               "Si vis pacem para bellum!"
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