On Thu, Oct 07, 2010 at 10:17:11AM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 10:49 +0300, Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote:
> > > that bug is already inconvenient for some people; if they have laptops
> > > with bad lid switches it'd be much more inconvenient. The only active
> > > display would be the external display they weren't actually using.
> > 
> > I read that bugzilla as it's a driver bug.. so it'll get fixed at some 
> > point.
> Not really; the driver isn't able to detect if connected monitors are
> turned on. It's not clear if this is really *theoretically* possible,
> which is why the report's been closed. And it doesn't cover the case
> where a connected monitor is powered on but not actually being used for
> the computer.
Hmm... things seem to work always ok on Windows, so it should be possible..

> > We should define "policy" based on wanted behaviour, not based on various
> > bugs out there.. Bugs need to be fixed, and then the policy works like it's 
> > expected.
> In theory, yeah, but in practice, we can't take this to extremes if it
> means we wind up with people staring at blank screens with no apparent
> explanation.

Well, I'm staring at blank screens with the current behaviour.. :)

> > atm we're lacking a policy regarding these laptop lid/dock things.
> > Ie. there's no daemon/script even trying to do the right thing..
> > 
> > (drm/kms driver guys have made it clear the "policy" has to be decided and
> > set up by userspace).
> > 
> > For the "transition period" we could have a boot/grub menu item 
> > that automatically enables the "old behaviour" for people who have
> > hardware with buggy bios/drivers. Just like we have the "safe (vesa) 
> > graphics" 
> > boot option on install CDs.
> > 
> > Does this make sense?
> No, not really, parameters aren't magic, they can only do things if the
> drivers / userspace utilities are written with these parameters in mind.
> I don't believe there's any such framework at present, and besides, we
> want to have *fewer* icky bootloader menu workarounds, really, not more.


But yes, we need some daemon that monitors ACPI lid state, and kms/drm
output states, and enables/disables displays based on those.

We're clearly lacking that atm. Driver developers have made it clear
userspace needs a component that takes care of that.

-- Pasi

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