On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 01:18:08PM +0100, Marius Schwarz wrote:
> Am 22.02.21 um 11:17 schrieb Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek:
> >>1) Use different defaults for different Fedora editions, e.g. container
> >>and cloud images include the fallback DNS servers list while
> >>workstation (and similar) images don't.
> >Yes, I think this would be the way to go.
> Everything, that is not prepresenting a person, is not regulated by
> GDPR, therefor it does not "need" to comply.

No. GDPR is about "personally identifying information". In particular,
it talks about information which may be combined with other information
(now or in the future) to identify a specific person. And an IP address
falls into this category in the general case.

The scenario we are considering here is e.g. a company which provides
computers with Fedora installed to its employees or customers. Whatever
resolver is used gets the source IP information which as described
above can be identifying (depending on the network setup and other
circumstances). By removing the fallback, we're removing a possible
information expose and violation of the law by the company.

> About fallbacks in general:
> Es the example shows cleary to me, having fallback dns means, that
> you do not see, that your dns config is faulty
> and will fail in unexpected ways.

The issue was logged at warning level. So "do not see" is relative —
it certainly was possible to "see", though maybe not very visible.


P.S. I like to do 'journalctl -b -p notice' after upgrades to look for
such issues, but sadly there is so much noise in the logs that issues
get lost. I would love to reach a state where any entry in the logs
(at notice or above) that shouldn't be there is treated as a bug to fix.
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