On Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 12:07 PM Miro Hrončok <mhron...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 12. 02. 21 16:25, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> >
> >     Meeting Decisions
> >
> > Any proposal brought to a meeting will be discussed live at that meeting and
> > then will pass or be rejected by a majority vote of those SIG members 
> > present
> > (requiring a minimum of three SIG members for a quorum). A vote of +1 is a 
> > vote
> > to accept the proposal. A vote of -1 is a vote to reject the proposal. A 
> > vote of
> > 0 indicates that you are explicitly removing yourself from the voting 
> > quorum.
> > For example, if there are four SIG members present in the meeting, a 
> > proposal
> > can pass with a vote of either three votes in favor or two votes in favor 
> > with
> > at least one SIG member voting 0.
> Since members of the ELN SIG have voting powers and you seem to thought out 
> the
> rules, I think it would be useful to know who are the members of the SIG and
> what are the criteria to join.

Huh, I could have sworn I had written an answer in the FAQ , but it
seems I somehow lost it. Thanks for pointing it out!

Currently there are zero formal members of the SIG. I intend to
initialize the membership by consensus of those who attend the first
formal meeting (which we will schedule after the DevConf.cz meetup).

After that, anyone may join the SIG by asking to become a member. If
no existing SIG member *opposes* that request within a week, they're
in. If an existing SIG member opposes, we hold a regular vote at the
next scheduled meeting as described above. Generally, the only
disqualifications would be in the event that someone was clearly of
malicious intent.

We can hash out any additional rules (such as whether retaining
membership over time has requirements) at the meetings.
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