Dne 4.10.2010 18:29, Pavel Alexeev (aka Pahan-Hubbitus) napsal(a):
>   04.10.2010 14:49, Jan Kaluza wrote:
>> Hi,
>> there are over 100 packages which "Require: httpd" and it looks they are
>> preconfigured only for httpd. However, Fedora contains more webservers than
>> apache (httpd) and it's currently impossible (as far as I know) to install 
>> for
>> example php (phpMyAdmin, wordpress, ...) if you want to use lighttpd instead
>> of httpd, because "yum install php" installs also httpd. You then have to
>> disable httpd by "chkconfig httpd off", but there's no way to have PHP 
>> installed
>> without httpd.
>> I think one solution is to use "webserver" virtual package instead of
>> "Require: httpd". Of course it's OK to use "Require: httpd" in packages which
>> really needs httpd and can't work with another webserver, but otherwise I
>> think "webserver" virtual package should be used.
> It was discussed not so long in past.
> I agree absolutely.
> But there also present small problem - many packages includes Apache
> virtual hosts configuration, .htaccess settings and some similar stuff
> targeted only for Apache. In most cases it is not so hard to implement
> similar settings for example for Ngnix and Lighthttpd... But, do we have
> rights require such implementation for all present webservers from
> package maintainer? In any case it additional work and requires
> additional skills. What if new webserver will appear in repos?

I'd say that httpd specific files should go to subpackages like 
php-httpd. It's an overhead but as you say, what if a new webserver hits 
the repos.


>> Another problem is that each webserver in Fedora uses different 
>> username/group.
>> If you have application which stores some private data which should be
>> accessible for that application and for webserver, but not for another users,
>> you have to use something like "chown your_app_username:webserver_group
>> private_directory". This is not doable when webserver group is different for
>> each webserver, so you have to support *just* one webserver in .spec file or
>> loose the security. Can't we use single username/group for all webserver?
>> Regards,
>> Jan Kaluza

Radek Vokál <rvo...@redhat.com>
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