On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 03:55:22PM -0500, Ben Cotton wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 3:44 PM Adam Williamson
> <adamw...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> >
> > Perhaps we need a process for cleaning up membership of this extremely
> > powerful group?
> Yes, please.

I think we should split the issue in two: handling the long list of
_currently_ inactive pps, and the ongoing cleanup after that.
No matter what we decide for the second, I think we should remove pp
privs for the ~90 accounts with no builds in the last two years
"immediately" (i.e. e.g. some time in early January).


> I'll even go out on a limb and propose a process...
> > At a point (TBD) in each release cycle members of the provenpackager group 
> > who have not submitted a koji build in the last six months will be 
> > contacted via their @fedoraproject.org email address to verify that they 
> > should remain in the provenpackager group. If they do not acknowledge 
> > within two weeks, they will be removed from the provenpackager group.
> I'm not particularly tied to any of the values above, but it's a
> start. Arguably, it should be more than a "yes, please keep me in",
> but we can see how it goes for a few releases before tightening it
> down. I'd like to make it minimally annoying to start, but something
> more than we have now. I'm also open to other mechanisms other than
> email (and the list could also be shared to devel-announce to help
> make it more visible).
> I don't really care where in the cycle we do it. I don't think one
> spot is particularly better than another. I assume FESCo won't approve
> anything before mid-January, and it's probably good to start this
> sooner rather than later, so maybe around branch day (9 Feb for Fedora
> 34) is as good a place as any?
> -- 
> Ben Cotton
> He / Him / His
> Senior Program Manager, Fedora & CentOS Stream
> Red Hat
> TZ=America/Indiana/Indianapolis
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