On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 9:13 AM, Rahul Sundaram <methe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So according to you any free software with a trademark is non-free
> software?  Good luck getting anyone including FSF to agree with that
> interpretation.
> Rahul

I'm sure they will. Trademark restrictions violate one of the four
freedoms and if you want I can ask Richard Stallman directly if this
trademark rule makes software non-free. Actually I'll just go ahead
and do it just to prove a point.

If I wanted to Fork Fedora, and I called it Fedora, i'd soon see a
letter from Redhat legal. I'm not free to use the name. Thus, if I
fork Fedora I am required by trademark law to rename it or be in
devel mailing list

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